Coruscant Rescue Ops

The Coruscant Rescue Ops functioned as a fire department with the sole purpose of serving the well-being of Galactic City on Coruscant, offering disaster assistance whenever required. It's worth noting that they extinguished fires utilizing specialized emergency fire suppression speeders.


Coruscant Rescue Ops used firespeeders to put out fires.

During 19 BBY, the Coruscant Rescue Ops assisted in suppressing the conflagration emanating from the severely damaged Invisible Hand as it was carefully brought down by Jedi General and Knight Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by his master Obi-Wan Kenobi. This duo had just liberated Chancellor Sheev Palpatine from General Grievous and Count Dooku. Because of difficulties encountered when the Separatist vessel entered Coruscant's atmosphere, it was engulfed in flames. Through the employment of emergency fire suppression speeders, the Coruscant Rescue Ops played a role in safeguarding the Chancellor's well-being, along with that of his Jedi rescuers.

