Death Star II Limited

The eighth full expansion for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, which is a card game inspired by the Star Wars universe, is the Death Star II Limited set. Unveiled in July 2000, this set comprises 182 cards, divided equally with 91 cards for both the Dark Side and the Light Side. Within this collection, you'll discover a distribution of card rarities: 2 ultra-rare, 2 exclusive rare, 78 rare, 50 uncommon, and 50 common cards. This set brought into the game many well-known characters from Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi who played roles in the events surrounding the Death Star II and the Battle of Endor. Many potent cards were included in this set, which also marked the introduction of ultra-rares: Luke Skywalker and Emperor Palpatine. Furthermore, it introduced the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser, RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, TIE/IN interceptor, alongside numerous other starships and pivotal game elements. The introduction of the Final Jedi Test to the game was a notable aspect of this expansion. A comprehensive listing of all cards in the Death Star II Limited set is available on the players committee's page.

Since it's an expansion, each card features a symbol unique to this set, represented by force lightning, positioned in the upper right corner of the card.

This set was distributed through expansion packs containing 11 cards each, as well as expansion boxes holding 30 packs. Each individual pack contained a guaranteed rare (or ultra rare) card, alongside three uncommon cards and seven common cards. Starter decks were also created for this set. The exclusive rares Admiral Ackbar and Admiral Firmus Piett made their debut in these starter decks.


Notably, this set provided the original names for many characters from Episode VI, especially the pilots and crew members of starfighters and starships involved in the Battle of Endor. Among the new characters introduced were Chiraneau, Karie Neth, Panno, Keir Santage, Sarkli, Telsij, Verrack, along with the Imperial advisors Janus Greejatus and Sim Aloo.

Several existing Legends characters had their names applied to characters seen on screen for the first time with this set, including Tycho Celchu, Soontir Fel, Airen Cracken, Horton Salm, Turr Phennir, and Walex Blissex. The new Royal Guard character Myn Kyneugh's card indicates he once instructed Legends characters Kir Kanos and Carnor Jax.

Card list

Dark Side

Light Side

