Diergu-Rea Duhnes'rd

Diergu-Rea Duhnes'rd, a Weequay bounty hunter during the era of the Galactic Civil War, shared his life with Solum'ke as her mate. Deeply entrenched in his faith, Duhnes'rd leaned towards accepting bounties that presented minimal risk but offered a substantial likelihood of success, thus establishing himself as a highly proficient professional. At some juncture in his career, he crossed paths with Solum'ke, a fellow Weequay and member of his clan, and their relationship blossomed into romance. Together, they also forged a bounty hunting partnership, demonstrating remarkable effectiveness as a team.

On one occasion, the couple decided to take a break on Zelos II, but their vacation was interrupted when they were convinced to participate in a treasure expedition. A group of Qwohog spacers, under the leadership of K'zk, accompanied them into the Great Zelosi Sea towards a location known as Zelosian's Chine. Rumor had it that vast amounts of invaluable treasure lay concealed within underwater caverns, accessible solely during the Day of the Sepulchral Night. Along their journey, they came across two Corellians who had been shipwrecked, and these individuals eventually joined their quest. Upon finally reaching Zelosian's Chine, Duhnes'rd and Solum'ke discovered a substantial treasure trove. However, they were compelled to evacuate as the caves began to flood. They had been betrayed by their companions, as they were abandoned in the sea. Despite this, they managed to retain a small portion of the treasure they had plundered and vowed to seek vengeance on the Qwohogs and Corellians.


Early life

Hailing from Sriluur, Diergu-Rea Duhnes'rd, a male Weequay, embarked on a career as a bounty hunter. He cultivated a noteworthy reputation as a formidable and relentless warrior. Displaying considerable prudence, he exclusively accepted bounties that posed minimal danger to his life and promised substantial financial rewards. As a devoted follower of the Weequay religion, Duhnes'rd practiced the worship of numerous deities and regularly journeyed back to his homeworld during the sacred festivals of Quay, the principal Weequay god. After these visits, he often returned with a heightened zeal for hunting and accumulating wealth, transforming him into a potentially hazardous individual.

Eventually, Duhnes'rd encountered Solum'ke, a strikingly beautiful female Weequay from his own clan. The two formed a highly successful bounty hunting partnership within the Zelos system and the encompassing sector. Deeply enamored with his mate, Duhnes'rd went to great lengths to please her. Solum'ke was just as formidable and competent in combat as Duhnes'rd, frequently assisting him when the Weequay bounty hunter found himself embroiled in cantina skirmishes. At one point, at Solum'ke's suggestion, the couple took a respite from their profession to visit the picturesque planet of Zelos II.

Treasure hunt

Duhnes'rd and his lover, Solum'ke, on Zelos II.

They indulged in numerous evenings of romance in upscale hotels, explored popular tourist destinations, enjoyed drinks in cantinas, and engaged in gambling in local casinos. Duhnes'rd grew increasingly concerned about the amount of credits he was spending, although he still had enough to sustain them for several more days and secure passage off-world when they decided to depart. While Duhnes'rd preferred a relaxing vacation, Solum'ke was eager for adventure. When a group of Qwohog spacers presented the two Weequay bounty hunters with an opportunity to earn a substantial sum of money, Solum'ke managed to convince Duhnes'rd to spend nearly all of his remaining funds on renting a sail barge for the evening.

The Qwohogs informed Duhnes'rd and Solum'ke about a massive coral formation, situated on the far side of the Great Zelosi Sea, known as Zelosian's Chine. It was said that a vast treasure of crystals and jewelry lay hidden within the Chine's caves, left behind by a long-deceased Zelosian merchant prince two hundred years prior. Zelosian's Chine was typically inaccessible due to the high tides that made entering the caves without drowning impossible. However, approximately every twelve years, during the Day of the Sepulchral Night, the planet's fourth moon would undergo an eclipse, causing the sea's tides to recede sufficiently to expose the caves where the treasure was supposedly hidden. Many ambitious treasure hunters would journey there whenever this phenomenon occurred. The Qwohogs were allergic to salt water, and the native Zelosians were hesitant to venture outside their homes during the Day of the Sepulchral Night, leaving Solum'ke and Duhnes'rd as the only individuals capable of assisting the Qwohog leader, K'zk, in capitalizing on this rare opportunity. The two Weequays agreed to cover the cost of hiring a sail barge and enter the caves to loot the treasure upon reaching their destination, with the profits to be split equally between them and the Qwohogs.

Journey to Zelosian's Chine

A practical and somewhat pessimistic individual, Duhnes'rd reluctantly agreed. Although he considered it a significant waste of money, he knew it would please Solum'ke, who found the prospect of a treasure hunt both captivating and romantic. Duhnes'rd made little attempt to conceal his pessimism, but upon realizing that Solum'ke had been hurt by some of his remarks, he softened his attitude and expressed his love for her. En route to Zelosian's Chine, one of the Qwohog crew members spotted a wreckage far off to the sail barge's starboard side. As they approached the wreckage, they identified it as a smaller, sportier wave-skimmer, surrounded by melk, indigenous rodent-like sea predators. Despite his reluctance to enter the water, Duhnes'rd had little choice but to take a sail raft to the wreckage in search of survivors, as the Qwohogs were unable to approach the water. Accompanied by Solum'ke, he ventured towards the wreckage and discovered two Human survivors—Corellians, supposedly en route to a tourist destination.

The wrecked wave-skimmer had struck a cluster of rocks, and between the jagged rocks and the carnivorous melk, only two males named Hanugar and Sevik remained unharmed, while over a dozen had either drowned or been devoured by the predators. The two Weequays brought the two survivors aboard their sail barge, but concealed their true intentions for crossing the Great Zelosian Sea, claiming to be "sightseeing" like the Corellians. The Qwohogs dined with the starving Corellians, but everyone was careful to avoid mentioning their true purpose. Eventually, K'zk's spotters identified what they believed to be Zelosian's Chine. Duhnes'rd, however, remained skeptical, so that his partner would not be disappointed if it turned out to be a fruitless endeavor.


Duhnes'rd clings to his raft after K'zk's deceit.

The two Weequays and Sevik disembarked in a three-person repulsor raft, while Hanugar piloted a one-man skiff towards Zelosian's Chine. The Qwohogs anxiously awaited their return on the sail barge. Duhnes'rd and Solum'ke entered the cave, navigating through narrow, winding passages, but found no treasure. The only objects within the vast caves were the remains of previous treasure hunters. Eventually, the group stumbled upon a treasure trove of various items: urns, crystals, ancient statues, and other valuable objects littered the cavern's floors and walls. The two hunters began collecting handfuls of treasure, knowing that its wealth would sustain them for life. Duhnes'rd also forced open a large, wooden chest filled with gems and gold.

However, their celebration was cut short when large quantities of water began to flood the cavern. As the water surged in following the waning eclipse, the three had to quickly exit the cave and return to their starship. They made it back in time, but Sevik was nowhere to be seen. As they boarded their raft, the two Weequays noticed Sevik climbing onto the sail barge several hundred meters away, carrying large sacks filled with treasure on his shoulders. He had used a repulsorlift belt to escape. Realizing that they had been deceived by the Qwohogs and that the aliens were in league with the Corellians, Duhnes'rd cursed them. They departed, laden with treasure, leaving the two bounty hunters stranded in their raft. All was not lost, however, as the bounty hunter had managed to fill his own pockets with wealth and had placed a necklace of green crystals around Solum'ke's neck. Vowing to track down their betrayers, the pair waited for another ship to arrive and rescue them.

Personality and traits

Duhnes'rd and Solum'ke, in Zelosian's Ridge.

Diergu-Rea Duhnes'rd was widely recognized as a violent individual who would not hesitate to harm others if it meant financial gain. He maintained a constant awareness of his financial status and always considered payment when evaluating a bounty. Duhnes'rd was a devout follower of the Weequay religion, making annual pilgrimages to his homeworld, Sriluur, to participate in traditional Weequay rituals. He worshipped numerous deities of his species, including Quay, the principal god.

Despite his reputation for violence, Duhnes'rd possessed a softer side. He was deeply romantic at heart, and after becoming Solum'ke's lover, he prioritized her above all else, including bounty hunting, money, and gambling. He agreed to spend the last of his credits on Zelos II for her, hoping to bring her happiness, even though he was not entirely pleased with the excursion himself. Duhnes'rd differed from his lover in many ways. While she was adventurous and optimistic, he was content with a more ordinary life and was both a realist and a pessimist. Although Duhnes'rd occasionally found his lover's spending habits irritating, he recognized them as an integral part of her character and accepted them.

Behind the scenes

Diergu-Rea Duhnes'rd was conceived by West End Games author Jean Rabe for Day of the Sepulchral Night, appearing in Star Wars Adventure Journal 13 in 1997, with illustrations by Matt Busch. This marks his sole appearance to date, although Day of the Sepulchral Night has been republished on Hyperspace and in Tales from the New Republic.

