Docking Bay 84 was a landing zone within the Coruscant Spaceport. It was situated in close proximity to Senate Plaza on the Galactic Republic's primary world, Coruscant. In 3643 BBY, during the Cold War against the re-established Sith Empire, a group of abductors affiliated with the Black Sun crime syndicate attempted to use the spaceport as an escape route, acting as a distraction after they successfully abducted the Republic scientist Eli Tarnis from the Senate Tower. The Padawan Kira Carsen, along with a squad of Coruscant Security Force officers, pursued them, resulting in a deadlock within the hangar until the arrival of a Jedi Knight – the previous student of Jedi Master Orgus Din. By cooperating with Carsen and the CSF agents, the Knight overcame the criminals' defenses and subdued their leader, a man by the name of Zeer. Zeer confessed that they were merely a diversion, and Tarnis was actually located in Black Sun territory.
Docking Bay 84 is featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic, the BioWare MMORPG, specifically as a map accessible only to the Jedi Knight class during the "Kidnapped!" mission on Coruscant.