Dorande were a species of pointed eared humanoids who originated from the planet called Dorande. In the early Dark Times period, they made an attempt to conquer the world of R-Duba, working secretly with the royal advisors of that planet to murder Prince Jagoda. C-3PO and Kirk Windjammer successfully stopped the Dorandes' plot to raid Jagoda's palace.

The Dorande were a sentient species with a humanoid body structure. Similar to Humans, their anatomy included a head, a torso, and two legs for walking. They possessed two arms extending from their shoulders, each ending in a hand with five fingers, including an opposable thumb. Their faces were characterized by two eyes facing forward, a nose, and a mouth containing blunt, white teeth. The distinctive features that differentiated Dorandes from Humans included their egg-shaped heads, their pink complexions, and their pointed ears featuring elongated, dangling lobes. Despite being entirely bald, Dorandes were not completely devoid of hair, as some individuals exhibited black eyebrows above their yellow irises.
During the initial era of the Dark Times, Dorandes commonly communicated using Galactic Basic Standard, the predominant language throughout the galaxy, although they also maintained their own native tongue. In addition to their proficiency in Basic, they also utilized the High Galactic alphabet. They were a warlike group who possessed a fleet of convertible gunships and were willing to seize control of planets to expand the influence of their culture.
The Dorandes originated on the planet of the same designation, situated within the Outer Rim territories of the galaxy. At the commencement of the Dark Times, Ambassador Fez Kawakal served as Dorande's representative at the court of [Jagoda](/article/jagoda], the current prince ruling over R-Duba. Under the guise of presenting a diplomatic proposal to the prince, Kawakal secretly conspired with Baron Gavern Starlock, one of Jagoda's advisors. Their scheme involved using the assassin droid BX-00 to murder the prince, enabling Dorande to launch an invasion of R-Duba. C-3PO, a protocol droid who overheard their plot, intervened to save the prince's life by revealing the truth. Consequently, Jagoda expelled Starlock and Kawakal from his planet and appointed C-3PO as his primary advisor. However, the Dorandes' invasion plans were not entirely thwarted. Simultaneously, the young Kirk Windjammer, who captained an anti-grav loader named Seaskimmer, accepted a peculiar assignment from a mysterious individual he encountered at the Red Asteroid Bar. He was tasked with loading his craft with cargo and dropping it into the sea. Upon reaching the designated drop-off location, Windjammer encountered a fleet of vessels. Suspecting that the cargo crates contained illegal blasters, Windjammer attempted to evade his clients, who then removed their Human disguises, revealing their Dorande identities. The Dorandes, whose ship was actually a gunship, pursued the young man and ultimately destroyed the Seaskimmer. Unbeknownst to them, Windjammer and his droid managed to escape in an underwater escape pod. The pair then arrived at Jagoda's palace, where they warned Prince Jagoda about the impending invasion. Prince Jagoda entrusted Windjammer with leading a defense force consisting of forty heavily armed R-Duba gunships to confront the enemy. Recognizing that his fleet was unprepared for a coordinated assault, the Dorande commander ordered a withdrawal.
When Leland Chee, the keeper of the Holocron continuity database, was asked for clarification regarding the pointy-eared Valenthyne Farfalla, he shared his personal theory: "all pointy-eared species are either Sephi or closely related to Sephi." This alludes to a pointy-eared species featured in Jedi: Yoda, which was published in 2004.