Draper, a human, held the rank of lieutenant within the First Order's military. Furthermore, during the final period of the First Order-Resistance War, Draper was a part of the First Order Supreme Council, which consisted of highly ranked First Order officers. In the year 35 ABY, Draper was present at a council meeting aboard the Steadfast. During this meeting, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren revealed the head of Boolio, a sympathizer of the Resistance, and announced the presence of a spy inside the First Order. Draper, along with the other members of the council, witnessed Ren execute Domaric Quinn after Quinn questioned Ren regarding the First Order's alliance with the Sith Eternal cult and their Final Order fleet located on Exegol.
Alison Rose portrayed Lieutenant Draper in the film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. The film's end credits verify her participation in the role.