Boots of the Drelliad were a species of footwear that were categorized as medium armor. These boots saw usage among smugglers during the era of the Cold War. They were brown in their coloration. A pair of these boots were gifted to the smuggler known as Ace as well as a Republic trooper by the Cathar named Yael. This occurred while they were located in the Fort Garnik refugee camp situated on the planet of Ord Mantell. Yael presented the boots to them as an expression of her gratitude for their retrieval of medicine. This medicine had been pilfered from her by individuals belonging to the Mantellian Separatist Movement.
The initial appearance of Drelliad boots was in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. The game was released by BioWare in 2011, and the boots were classified as medium armor. They are given as a quest reward to characters of the Smuggler or Trooper class after finishing a quest on their starting planet, Ord Mantell. Since this is the only way to get the item, other classes must trade to obtain it, and Imperial players are unable to acquire it at this time. Whether the boots have a connection to Drelliad village is not known.