Droxine, a planet situated within the Esstran sector of the Outer Rim Territories, served as the native world for both the carchar and the nightmare demon species. The latter, characterized as intelligent and telepathic killers, were widely assumed to have been eradicated by the time the Clone Wars erupted. Despite this belief, a number of these demons persisted, including one named Reist, who was compelled to serve the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. He was dispatched to Lapez 3 with the mission to assassinate the Rebel Luke Skywalker, but the pilot ultimately triumphed over him.
Within the Droxine system, Droxine was a planet that formed a part of the Esstran sector. It was positioned in the northeastern region of the Outer Rim Territories. The surface of the planet featured several oceans, which provided a habitat for the carchar species. These creatures, belonging to the porifera group, possessed a unique water-vascular system, exhibiting similarities to that of the aiwha found on Kamino.

Around the year 3643 BBY, the reconstituted Sith Empire successfully located a contingent of Galactic Republic-aligned mercenaries known as the Fist of Justice on Droxine. The subsequent Imperial attack resulted in the destruction of their base of operations and the capture of the organization's leaders. Before the onset of the Clone Wars, it was widely believed that the nightmare demons of Droxine had been entirely eradicated. However, some of these demons managed to survive into the Imperial Era, where they were utilized by a select few of Emperor Palpatine's specialized assassins. One such demon, named Reist, was employed by the Galactic Empire as an assassin. Altin Wuho, a Human replica droid, exerted control over Reist and dispatched him to assault Luke Skywalker, the Rebel pilot, on the neighboring planet of Lapez 3. Nevertheless, Skywalker engaged and eliminated the demon using his lightsaber.
Nightmare demons dwelled on Droxine. They were a small, bipedal species covered with fur, excluding their twin tails and heads, which bore a resemblance to a Human skull. The nightmare demons were intelligent, telepathic killers who induced hallucinations in their victims, conjuring disturbing images. Individuals under the influence of a demon were rendered immobile. It was generally assumed that these demons had been wiped out before the Clone Wars.
Other residents of Droxine were employed as freight haulers. Two of these haulers claimed to have witnessed the notorious bounty hunter Boba Fett incapacitate a much larger starship by deploying a concealed ion cannon on his Firespray-31-class craft known as Slave I.
Steve Moore conceived Droxine, and it first appeared in his comic, the Empire Strikes Back Monthly 149: Death Masque, which was released in 1981. It was subsequently mentioned in the initial edition of Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, published in 1989, although this reference was omitted from the sourcebook's second edition. The planet received further mentions in Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds, the Star Wars Insider 91 article Comic Marvels, The Essential Atlas, and its online appendix.