Duel on Telti

The lightsaber duel known as the Duel on Telti transpired on the factory world of Telti in 17 ABY. Luke Skywalker journeyed to that location to uncover the extent of Brakiss's involvement in orchestrating the Bombing of the Senate Hall.


Following the devastating Senate Hall bombing, Luke Skywalker inspected the site and sensed the hand of his former apprentice, Brakiss, in the destructive event. Driven by a need to investigate, he traveled to Msst, Brakiss's homeworld. There, he encountered Brakiss's mother, who divulged that Brakiss was situated on Telti and desired a confrontation with Luke, intending to kill his old master. Luke then piloted his ship to Telti, landing on the northern side within one of the expansive droid factories that dominated the moon's surface. He began his search for Brakiss, who monitored Luke's progress through hidden surveillance systems and dispatched the Red Terror to silently shadow him. Brakiss contacted Kueller, informing him of Luke's arrival, and the Almanian warlord instructed Brakiss to direct the Jedi Master to Almania. Subsequently, C-9PO was sent to greet Skywalker and guide him to the factory's assembly room. Sensing Brakiss's presence nearby through the Force, Luke complied and followed the protocol droid.

The Confrontation

Brakiss the Fallen Jedi

Luke entered the assembly room to find Brakiss awaiting him. Brakiss questioned the Jedi Master's motives and denied any involvement in the Senate bombing when Luke inquired about it. Agitated, Brakiss ignited his lightsaber and lunged at Luke. Reacting swiftly, Luke activated his own lightsaber, deflecting Brakiss's attack and slamming the Dark Jedi's weapon against a nearby conveyor belt. They engaged once more, and despite Luke matching Brakiss's moves, he recognized that his former student had grown stronger over the years. Brakiss then launched a series of quick thrusts, followed by a sweeping circular motion with his blade. Luke was not quick enough to evade, and Brakiss's lightsaber grazed his shirt, narrowly missing his skin. Luke then focused intently on Brakiss's every movement, choosing to defend rather than attack. The Dark Jedi swung his saber from side to side, targeting Luke's exposed sides. Luke blocked each strike, as Brakiss's attacks became more frantic and less controlled. A surge of fear, emanating from Kueller, overwhelmed Brakiss, causing him to halt his assault and raise his blade. Luke deactivated his lightsaber, and Brakiss demanded that Luke kill him. Luke refused, and Brakiss revealed that he had been paid to deliver a message: the answers Luke sought were on Almania. Realizing that the source of Brakiss's fear resided on Almania, Luke decided to go there.

The Aftermath

Brakiss contacted Kueller, informing him that Luke was en route to Almania, news that Kueller received with congratulations.

Luke traveled to the Almanian system, but upon arriving, he chose to investigate Almania's moon, Pydyr, before examining the planet itself. As he landed, an explosive within his X-wing detonated, injuring him. Soon after, he was captured by Kueller.

