Dyarchy Fleet

The Dyarchy Fleet was a collection of battleships that belonged to the Dyarchy, a Sith dominion that governed the planet of Byllura during the Republic Dark Age; it was considered a fleet. Around 1037 BBY, the construction of this fleet began, initiated by Saaj Calician, the Krevaaki regent of the Dyarchy. These vessels were secretly constructed beneath the reflecting pools in Hestobyll, the capital city of Byllura. By 1032 BBY, fourteen of the fleet's ships were ready for combat and were placed under the command of several Force-sensitive Celegians. This allowed Calician to maintain complete control over the ships by sending telepathic commands. When Daiman, a Lord who led the opposing Daimanate state, deployed most of his military to invade the territories of Ayanos Bactra, the Quermian Lord of the Sith from Quermian, Calician gave the order for the Dyarchy Fleet to mobilize, with plans to seize the defenseless Daimanite outer territories. However, Kerra Holt, a Jedi Knight, triggered the shutdown of the telepathic communications network through which Calician controlled Byllura, causing a string of manufacturing failures that resulted in the destruction of most of the Dyarchy Fleet. The few ships that managed to launch were destroyed shortly after, when the Dyarchy was attacked by the forces of the Arkadianate.

