Dyspeth, a moon located in the Outer Rim Territories, perpetually revolved within the shadow of a planet found in the Varada sector. Approximately nine centuries before the Battle of Yavin, it was populated by Humans, with a Force-attuned individual named Twilight establishing the group of Force-sensitives known as the Disciples of Twilight there. This group acted as the protectors of Dyspeth's inhabitants, and five hundred years later, the Galactic Republic discovered the moon, leading to the gradual re-integration of Dyspeth's natives into the broader galactic society.
Dyspeth was a moon capable of supporting life, which circled a relatively insignificant and distant planet within the Dyspeth system, located in the Varada sector of the Outer Rim Territories. The moon was in the perpetual darkness of the planet's shadow.

Nine hundred years prior to the Battle of Yavin, Dyspeth was first inhabited by Human settlers seeking to separate themselves from the Galactic Republic. Soon after the moon's initial settlement, an individual sensitive to the Force, going by the name of Twilight, and rumored to be a former Jedi in search of a fresh start, sought to bring together other colonists with the ability to use the Force to aid their community in adapting to Dyspeth's environment. Twilight achieved this by using her own Force powers, ultimately becoming the founder of the Disciples of Twilight, a group of Force-users. While the group did not wield military or political authority on the moon, its members served as the protectors of Dyspeth's people for many years to come.
Although the wider galaxy largely forgot about Dyspeth after its initial settlement, around 400 years before the Battle of Yavin, after centuries of peaceful existence, a Republic exploration team rediscovered the moon. Despite initial hesitation from the moon's inhabitants regarding the motives of the galactic government, they rejoined the galactic community as discreet merchants. Subsequently, the Disciples of Twilight gradually spread out into nearby star systems, apparently with the goal of shielding the vulnerable from exploitation by the powerful. As most other planets were more illuminated than Dyspeth, the Disciples, who primarily used the Force to control light and shadows, found their abilities enhanced when they were away from their homeworld. By 137 ABY, the organization had gained new members over the intervening centuries, but its ranks were mainly composed of Dyspeth natives.
The Legacy Era Campaign Guide, a sourcebook published by Wizards of the Coast on March 17, 2009 for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, first introduced Dyspeth. The Essential Atlas, a reference book released on August 18, 2009, placed the Dyspeth system, and therefore the moon, in grid square I-20.