Edessa's father

This Arkanian offshoot, a male, existed sometime in the period between the Great Sith War and the Mandalorian Wars. As a medical student, he participated as a researcher in the project led by Antos Wyrick, a scientist who was both a Zeltron and a Mandalorian. Wyrick's goal was to produce Force-sensitive children at his school located on the planet of Osadia. The researchers, utilizing genetic material from the Arkanian Jedi Master Arca Jeth, tried to enhance children's Force-sensitivity through in vitro modification. This man and his wife, who also worked as a researcher, became the parents of Edessa, their first child, a daughter whose name meant "triumph" in the Arkanian language. However, some years after, Skyreaper drones belonging to the Crucible, a slaver organization, attacked the school, and all the children present, including the young Edessa, were captured.

