
title: Entanglement

Serving as the third of four introductory shorts designed to promote the forthcoming animated series Star Wars Rebels, "Entanglement" is a brief, three-minute episode. It was initially broadcast on Disney XD and simultaneously made available online on August 25, 2014.

Summary Provided by the Publisher

A delay is incurred by Zeb when he becomes embroiled in a physical altercation with several Stormtroopers.

Detailed Plot Synopsis

Garazeb Orrelios is seen traversing an alley on the planet Lothal, engaged in a comlink conversation with Kanan Jarrus while mistakenly believing he has arrived at their designated meeting location. He stumbles upon two stormtroopers in the act of questioning a salesman. When the stormtroopers aggressively knock over the salesman's droid, who protests the action, the salesman attempts to offer them a credit chip. Interpreting this as an attempted bribe, the stormtroopers prepare to arrest him, which leads Orrelios to intervene by incapacitating the troopers. Spotted by two additional troopers, a pursuit ensues. Orrelios eventually reaches a parked TIE/ln space superiority starfighter. He subdues the pilot just as stormtroopers begin to open fire upon him. They lose track of Orrelios, who ascends to the top of the TIE fighter, then descends onto one of the troopers. He then engages the troopers in hand-to-hand combat. The fighter's pilot regains consciousness, aims a weapon at Orrelios, and requests backup. Orrelios outmaneuvers the pilot and neutralizes him as more troopers arrive on the scene. Their indiscriminate firing results in a breach in the TIE fighter's fuel tank, and a subsequent laser blast triggers an explosion of the fighter. Orrelios emerges from the blast unscathed, walking away without injury. The salesman attempts to reward Orrelios for his actions with the credit chip, but Orrelios declines, instead accepting only a piece of jogan fruit from the man's merchandise. As more stormtroopers appear, Orrelios braces himself for another confrontation.

Canonical Information

Michael Kogge adapted this short into a short story within the chapter book titled Rise of the Rebels, and it was also transformed into the young-readers book Zeb to the Rescue. Furthermore, another version was one of eight stories featured in Star Wars Rebels: Storybook Library.

Production Credits

