"Property of Ezra Bridger", formerly known as "Not What You Think", represents the fourth and last short film serving as a prelude to the animated series Star Wars Rebels. This short, lasting three minutes, was broadcast on Disney XD and made available online on September 1, 2014.
On the plains of Lothal, Ezra comes across a crashed TIE fighter. The youthful rebel opens the spacecraft's portal—feigning assistance to the unappreciative Imperial pilot—and departs with several mementos.
The orphan of Lothal, Ezra Bridger, is a witness to an aerial conflict between the starship known as the Ghost and a TIE fighter belonging to the Galactic Empire. After the TIE fighter is downed and impacts the ground, Bridger hastens to the damaged vessel and discovers that its cockpit entrance is jammed shut, trapping Baron Valen Rudor inside. Bridger manages to free him, but the TIE fighter's pilot displays no thankfulness for the rescue, instead, he angrily scolds Bridger for touching his craft.
As a lesson, Bridger pilfers several parts from the TIE fighter (which he later liquidates on the Black Market), including the pilot's helmet. Enraged further, Rudor fires the TIE fighter's laser weaponry at Bridger, but Bridger unknowingly uses the force ability Force Dash and proceeds to subdue Rudor with his energy slingshot. Bridger now possesses Rudor's helmet.
Michael Kogge adapted this short into a short story featured in the chapter book titled Rise of the Rebels, the children's book Ezra and the Pilot, and the young adult novel Ezra's Gamble. An alternate version also appeared as one of eight stories in Star Wars Rebels: Storybook Library.

At the time of release, various official websites presented differing titles for the short film. Both StarWars.com and the official Star Wars YouTube channel listed the short as "Not What You Think," while Disney.com and Disney XD referred to it as "Property of Ezra Bridger." This discrepancy was subsequently resolved, and "Property of Ezra Bridger" became the universally accepted title for the short.