The twenty-fourth episode of the True Tales of the Ancient Republic holodrama series, titled Episode XXIV: Death on the Rim, was a historical installment. This episode debuted in 114 BBY. Taking place during the Kymoodon Era, the narrative centered on Sector Ranger Novan Nune's endeavors to save the colonists of Parcovey Minor after their abduction and enslavement at the hands of a Hutt kajidic. Death on the Rim remained a subject of study by popular entertainment scholars as late as 6 ABY, demonstrating its enduring popularity and entertainment value.
The narrative revolved around the valiant Sector Ranger Novan Nune. Following the attack and subsequent enslavement of the Parcovey Minor colonists by the Hutts, Nune tracked them to the arenas of Affavan, located deep within Hutt Space. There, he participated as a gladiator to secure their liberation. Ultimately, Nune confronted Huska the Hutt in a one-on-one battle, dismantling the kajidic responsible for the devastation of Parcovey Minor.
Death on the Rim drew inspiration, albeit loosely, from an actual assault on Parcovey Minor orchestrated by the Utoradii kajidic towards the end of the Kymoodon Era. During this epoch, Republic colonists expanding into the Outer Rim began to infringe upon territories claimed by the Hutts. Parcovey Minor became one of numerous planets targeted by Hutt-sponsored slave raids. However, in this particular instance, the colonists received advance warning of the impending attack, enabling the Belasco Free Volunteers to ambush the raiders upon their arrival. They then launched a counteroffensive, annihilating the Utoradii during a parlay-feat held on Affavan.
Figures such as Thunys Albegron, a historian of that time, regarded Novan Nune as a purely fictional character. Nevertheless, they considered the real events surrounding Parcovey Minor to be equally captivating. At the Conference on Popular Entertainment in 6 ABY, held on Obroa-skai, Death on the Rim was analyzed, with Albegron highlighting the discrepancies between the fictional portrayal and the actual historical occurrences.
The in-universe creation of Episode XXIV: Death on the Rim, and consequently the series True Tales of the Ancient Republic, was for 2012's The Essential Guide to Warfare. Jason Fry, the book's author, intended this section to showcase the Hutts' monstrous attributes, moving away from their comedic depiction. The section's opening crawl and overall tone incorporated meta elements, serving as an affectionate parody of both Star Wars and The War of the Worlds. Despite Fry and Erich Schoeneweiss's agreement on the section's entertainment value and the need to emphasize the Hutts' villainous nature, it was ultimately omitted due to its lack of purpose and excessive length.