The Dubrillion withdrawal took place near the beginning of the Yuuzhan Vong War.
Not long after arriving on the planet, Leia Organa Solo and Senator Elegos A'Kla started assisting Lando Calrissian in the removal of Dubrillion's inhabitants. The donation of many evacuation vessels by the Agamarian Council made the withdrawal possible. As the withdrawal got underway, Admiral Traest Kre'fey showed up with his flagship, the Ralroost, and Rogue Squadron to help protect the withdrawal convoy from Yuuzhan Vong forces located in the system's asteroid belt. Calrissian also gave Kre'fey two squadrons of Ugly starfighters to aid in the convoy's defense.
As the convoy began its departure, a Miid ro'ik war vessel came out of the asteroid belt, accompanied by squadrons of Coralskippers. The Coralskippers immediately initiated attack runs on the convoy, and combat controllers on the Ralroost quickly instructed Dubrillion's fighters to engage them. Meanwhile, the larger Yuuzhan Vong warship commenced firing on the convoy and managed to destroy at least one evacuation freighter. After receiving instructions from the Ralroost, Colonel Gavin Darklighter commanded Rogue Squadron in an assault on the Miid ro'ik. New squadron member and Jedi Knight Jaina Solo, working with wingperson Anni Capstan, inflicted minor damage on the Yuuzhan Vong war vessel before being compelled to retreat.
After the first few evacuation ships successfully escaped, the Yuuzhan Vong employed their Dovin basals to stop the remaining New Republic ships from escaping via their planned hyperspace route. Unable to retreat to Agamar, the remaining New Republic forces instead escaped to Dantooine. The Yuuzhan Vong then moved to invade and occupy Dubrillion.