Evenyl Yob, a Human female teenager hailing from Naboo, served her planet as a starfighter pilot within Echo Flight of the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps.
In the year 33 BBY, Station TFP-9 suffered an attack from a group initially thought to be pirates. These pirates utilized Z-95 Headhunters and a Hornet-class carrier functioned as their capital ship. Evenyl was designated Echo One for a squadron composed of twelve N-X Police Cruisers. Two N-1 starfighters from Bravo Seven, with Essara Till at the controls, and Eight, piloted by Dren Melne, were assigned to watch over her. Unbeknownst to most, Dren Melne was secretly under contract by Challep, the Governor of Agamar, with the intent to steal both N-1s and a selection of the cruisers.
Upon the arrival of the Naboo fighters, the two squadrons engaged, forcing the Z-95s back towards their carrier, with Echo flight sustaining only light damage. Evenyl's duty was to communicate updates, but Rhys Dallows preempted her. Following this, Till requested that she and Echo Two, flown by Kerl, accompany her and Dren on an assault against the carrier. At that moment, a second Hornet-class Carrier, the Velumina, commanded by Captain Sorran, appeared, bringing additional Z-95s equipped with Concussion missiles, while the initial carrier launched Droid starfighters.
It was at this juncture that Dren Melne revealed his treachery, breaking formation and firing upon Echo Two, causing its fighter to spin out of control and collide with Echo One, destroying her astromech droid. Dren then engaged Evenyl, demanding that Till order Echo Flight to shut down their craft or face annihilation. Despite the loss of her droid, Evenyl executed impressive evasive maneuvers to prevent Dren from achieving a lock, buying time for Till to intervene. Ultimately, her fighter was struck by one of Dren's two torpedoes, causing an overload in the craft's shield generator and initiating secondary system failures. Essara Till instructed Evenyl to power down all systems, leaving her adrift in space.
The battle concluded with a Naboo victory, as Essara Till and Rhys successfully destroyed the first Hornet-Class carrier. Dren was subsequently killed by his own employers due to his failure to fulfill his agreement. After the conflict, technicians from Station TFP-9 rescued the stranded pilots, but only five returned home alive. Subsequently, Essara Till recommended Evenyl Yob, along with Rhys Dallows and Keela Egast, to Ric Olié for potential inclusion in Bravo flight.
Despite her youth, Evenyl Yob felt it was her responsibility to provide updates on Echo Flight's status, a task that Rhys Dallows took over when he briefed Essara Till during the battle. When Dren Melne attacked her fighter, she screamed, overwhelmed by fear, and pleaded with Till for help. However, even with her astromech droid destroyed, she managed to perform evasive maneuvers on her cruiser, preventing Dren from locking onto her. This impressed Till, who vowed to commend her once the situation was resolved.
After her craft was hit and her systems began to fail, she followed Essara's order to power down her fighter, despite crying over the radio. She quickly regained her composure and reported the condition of her ship, indicating that she was out of the fight but still alive.
Evenyl Yob makes an appearance in the short story titled The Starfighter Trap, which was initially released in 2000 on the official website, and later in Star Wars Gamer 1.