Keela Egast was a pilot of Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps' Echo Flight, identified as a female Human.
In the year 33 BBY, she was selected, alongside a group of twelve other pilots, to participate in a battle that occurred over Station TFP-9, which was under siege by pirates piloting Z-95 Headhunters that originated from a Hornet-class carrier. Her designation was Echo Eight while flying in a N-X Police Cruiser. She was under the watch of Bravo's Seven, Essara Till, and Bravo Eight, Dren Melne, who was secretly plotting to commandeer her cruiser, along with a couple of others, and two N-1 starfighters for Governor Challep of Agamar.
Upon the arrival of the fighters, the two squadrons engaged the initial squadron of Z-95s and swiftly defeated them. However, her flight group soon found themselves under assault from another squad of Z-95s, equipped with concussion missiles, followed by the arrival of Captain Sorran from the second carrier, the Velumina, who demanded their surrender. It was at this point that Dren Melne betrayed both Till and Echo flight, engaging Echo One, Evenyl Yob, and Two, Kerl. Dren offered to spare the lives of the pilots if they gave up their fighters, but Keela confronted him about what she believed was Kerl's death and continued the fight until Dren disabled her cruiser, cutting off her communication. Despite this, the battle concluded in victory after it became evident that Dren was unable to keep his promise and was killed by Sorran. She was among the five surviving pilots of Echo Flight, rescued by technicians who recovered her fighter and provided medical assistance. Subsequently, Essara Till recommended her, along with Rhys Dallows and Evenyl Yob, to Ric Olié for a position within Bravo Flight.
Despite Keela's difficulty fitting into her flight suit and her soft-spoken demeanor during the briefing, her extensive knowledge of various Z-95 Headhunter models meant that only seasoned pilots like Till could answer questions about the fighters. Despite her youth and limited experience, she displayed a sharp tone when calling out Dren for attacking his own allies. She showed a refusal to surrender in the fight, only being taken out of action when Dren Melne disabled her ship towards the end of the battle.