A female spy of the Human species, Evie Bo was a highly ranked lieutenant within The Shroud's organization during the time of the Galactic War. This conflict pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire.
Evie learned of her superior's plan to crash a starship into Kaas City, and she tried to dissuade him, explaining that attacking the Empire head-on would be a suicidal act. The Shroud's response was an attempt to eliminate her. Therefore, Evie chose to defect and betray him to Darth Mortis, a member of the Dark Councilor. She provided EV2 discreet reconnaissance macrobinoculars and revealed the entirety of the Shroud's scheme.
Darth Mortis then introduced Evie to an Imperial hero, enlisting their aid in locating the Shroud. Evie's role was to act as mission control from the Citadel located in Kaas City. She provided guidance to the Imperial as they navigated a series of the Shroud's bases and dealt with his lieutenants, ultimately guiding them to the Shroud himself on Nar Shaddaa. The spy was defeated, and the planned assault on Dromund Kaas was prevented. However, just as Evie began to celebrate her newfound freedom from the Shroud, he interrupted her holocall with Darth Mortis. Having left a decoy to die in his place, the Shroud had survived and delivered a final "gift" to Evie. By whispering the single word "asunder," he activated a neural scrambler that had been secretly implanted in Evie's brain, rendering her unconscious. Upon regaining consciousness, Evie was physically unharmed, but all of her memories and personality had vanished, effectively turning her into a blank slate for the Empire to use. This also prevented her from divulging any further secrets of the Shroud. After Darth Mortis reestablished contact, the Imperial hero convinced the amnesiac Bo that she was a loyal servant of the Empire.
Evie Bo made an appearance in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel, which was a 2013 expansion for the 2011 massively-multiplayer online roleplaying video game titled Star Wars: The Old Republic. Her appearance occurs during the "The Shroud" questline, specifically for players aligned with the Imperial faction.
During the initial stages of the "Shroud of Ruin" mission, Imperial-aligned player characters, regardless of their gender, have the option to attempt to flirt with Bo. If the player character is male, Bo responds with irritation and requests that they refocus on the mission at hand. If the player character is female, Bo expresses that she is flattered, but also redirects the conversation back to the topic of the Shroud.