Ezra's Vision

title: "Ezra's Vision"

The comic strip entitled "Ezra's Vision" made its debut within the eighth edition of the Star Wars Rebels Magazine periodical, courtesy of Egmont UK Ltd. Martin Fisher penned the story, Bob Molesworth provided the illustrations, and Gunther Nickel served as the editor. Its release date was August 12, 2015.

Storyline Summary

Ezra Bridger, while in his quarters on the Ghost, experiences a disturbing dream sequence where a lightsaber is used to fatally wound Garazeb Orrelios. Awakening in distress, he confides in Kanan Jarrus that he has had this same vision three times, expressing his concern about its potential significance. Jarrus advises him to exercise caution when interpreting visions, highlighting their potential for deception. Orrelios then arrives back in the Phantom following a solo assignment. He informs the Spectres that his contact alerted him to the Empire's placement of a bounty on their heads, and their active search for information. Jarrus suggests that they should continue with their missions as usual, addressing any Imperial spies as they encounter them, a sentiment echoed by Hera Syndulla.

In the midst of their discussion, the hologame table malfunctions, emitting sparks and losing power. Sabine Wren and Chopper depart to acquire a replacement power cell and wiring in order to rectify the cell overload. Orrelios also excuses himself, stating that he needs to retrieve an item from his cabin. While in the corridor, Chopper is unexpectedly struck by a shot from an unidentified blaster. Syndulla assures the crew that she can repair him, but points out that the mysterious shot could have originated from any of them, as they are all armed with blasters. As the crew engages in a debate, each asserting their innocence, Bridger recalls his vision of Orrelios being attacked with a lightsaber. Driven by a sense of foreboding, he proceeds to the cockpit, where he discovers Orrelios lying unconscious, much to his astonishment.

Upon regaining consciousness, Orrelios expresses confusion when Bridger informs him that there is someone who resembles him elsewhere on the Ghost. Bridger utilizes his comlink to communicate to Syndulla his belief that the mysterious figure responsible for shooting Chopper is a Clawdite shape-shifter who works as a bounty hunter. The remaining crew members make their way to Orrelios' cabin, intending to surprise the infiltrator, only to find Wren tied up on the floor. As the Spectres process this discovery, the shape-shifter, now disguised as Wren, flees while firing shots at them. Evading the rest of the crew, the shape-shifter transforms to resemble Bridger, but upon encountering Orrelios, he shifts once more to mimic him. The two Lasats engage in combat until Bridger arrives, lightsaber activated. Remembering his vision, he understands that he was the one wielding the weapon in his dream. Bridger is uncertain as to which Lasat is the genuine Orrelios, and both attempt to persuade him that the other is being dishonest. Following a brief struggle, Bridger successfully shoots the Clawdite.

Instead of killing the Clawdite, Jarrus decides to leave him on the closest planet, as he believes they should show compassion even to their enemies. Later, Jarrus explains that the bounty hunter had shot Chopper because the droid had caught him morphing into Bridger. Wren asks Bridger how he knew which Lasat was actually Orrelios, to which he jokingly replies that only one of them had smelled.

