"Senate Perspective", a comic strip, appeared in the ninth edition of the Star Wars Rebels Magazine series, courtesy of Egmont UK Ltd. Martin Fisher penned the story, Ingo Römling provided the illustrations, and Gunther Nickel served as the editor. The comic's release date was September 9, 2015.
During 4 BBY, Hera Syndulla picks up a distress signal originating from Nadea Tural, who represents Thrad within the Imperial Senate. This signal is triggered after Tural's starship suffers a crash landing on the planet of Arkanis due to a hyperdrive failure. Despite her weakened state, Tural issues threats, but Syndulla disregards them and proceeds to rescue her, bringing both of them aboard the Ghost. Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger express reservations about welcoming the representative, fearing that her presence will intensify the Empire's focus on the Spectres. Nevertheless, Syndulla argues that the rebel cause necessitates assisting anyone in need, emphasizing the opportunity to demonstrate the rebels' virtuous nature to Tural.
Representative Tural views the Spectres with suspicion, considering them to be traitors against the Empire and anticipating torture as a [prisoner](/article/prisoner]. However, the rebels instead use this moment to explain their motivations for supporting the less fortunate. Unfortunately, Tural's presence leads to the Ghost being tracked, resulting in a boarding by Imperials. Initially hesitant to trust the rebels, Tural reconsiders her stance when she overhears the Imperials intending to execute the rebels without any form of trial. Tural creates a diversion, providing the rebels with the chance to overpower their captors. Upon her departure, the representative implies a heightened awareness of the Empire's duplicity within the Senate, suggesting a shift in her perception of the Empire.