A compressor A compressor was a piece of technological equipment. Unkar Plutt, a junk boss of Crolute heritage, put a compressor on the ignition line after he obtained the Millennium Falcon illicitly from the Irving Boys. However, Rey, a scavenger, circumvented a malfunctioning compressor located at the cockpit before the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca were able to reclaim the Falcon, thereby stopping the ship's operational issue. Chewbacca subsequently took the compressor out, although Rey questioned this action when she saw Chewbacca surrounded by a tangle of wires following the vessel's arrival on the planet Ahch-To. He communicated to her in Shyriiwook that a nuisance was present on the ship, and she thought it was a mynock; however, the damage was actually inflicted by porgs, avian beings that naturally resided on the planet.