
Tapani sector nobles engaging in a duel

Fencing, an art form involving training and dueling with bladed weapons such as swords and lightsabers, bore similarities to Lightsaber combat. Practitioners of this art were referred to as fencers.


At the Jedi academy located within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, a Lightsaber Fencing Tournament took place near the conclusion of Roan Novachez's second year there. Roan was matched against his friend, Pasha, although they were experiencing discord at the time. During the competition, Cronah and Cyrus, who were behaving as bullies, directed a light into Pasha's eyes, prompting Roan to halt the duel to give Pasha an opportunity to recover. This act repaired their friendship, and Pasha subsequently won the tournament, displaying impressive lightsaber skills. The romance between Stevan Makintay and Ketrian Altronel blossomed after they initially encountered each other while learning the art of fencing.

Count Dooku was highly esteemed as a proficient master in the art of lightsaber fencing.

During the Imperial Era, fencing was included as a subject taught to cadets attending the Academy of Carida. Kyle Katarn recalled that their instructor, while demanding absolute obedience, was reasonable enough not to abuse their authority. Years later, Katarn found this training valuable during his initial use of Qu Rahn's lightsaber.

