
The Vagaari were a sentient species hailing from the Unknown Regions. They established dominance over a significant territory within that region, primarily through the practice of enslavement. The Miskara served as their leaders. Their customary attire typically consisted of robes crafted from intricately designed and ornamented fabrics; additionally, they donned sizable masks to compensate for their stature, which was somewhat less than that of the average human.

Biology and appearance

These beings, the Vagaari, possessed a diminutive build, characterized by squat legs and feet with four toes. In contrast, their hands were comparatively large, as were their violet eyes. Their ears were positioned high on their heads, and their skin exhibited a tan hue. Uniquely, they possessed two mouths, each containing two rows of small teeth. Furthermore, they were known to keep unusual creatures like wolvkils and schostri as weapons. Despite their relative primitiveness, the Vagaari possessed advanced suspended-animation technology and demonstrated proficiency in utilizing captured interdiction fields. Vagaari spacecraft employed living shields, constructed from sentient beings confined within transparisteel-like plastic spheres affixed to the exterior of the ship's hull, a tactic that deterred many potential adversaries due to the risk of harming innocent life.

Within the Vagaari Empire, distinct and equally vital roles were assigned to males and females. Males primarily occupied positions within the soldier, pilot, and politician classes, while female Vagaari constituted the castes responsible for invasion planning, sanitation, and torture.


Although the Chiss Ascendancy considered the Vagaari enemies, official Chiss policy never formally recognized them as such. Around 37 BBY, Vagaari activity began to increase within Chiss space. Commander Thrawn (at the time) was responsible for the destruction of a large number of Vagaari during the Outbound Flight incident. Following this defeat, they retreated to their territory within the Unknown Regions, where they amassed forces in preparation for a future assault on the Chiss. The Chiss were aware of this buildup and expressed concern that the Vagaari may have "already forged alliances with powers even more dangerous than they are."

In an attempt to destroy the Redoubt, which housed the survivors of the Galactic Republic's expeditionary fleet, known as the Outbound Flight project, the Vagaari disguised themselves as peaceful Geroons. The purported wolvkil skins they wore were, in fact, living creatures used to attack the Chiss. The battle was lost after their leader Estosh was killed. Following this failed assault, a formal state of war was declared between the Ascendancy and the Vagaari.

The Vagaari secured new allies in the form of the Yuuzhan Vong, assisting the aliens in the preparations for their invasion of the galaxy. They began integrating biots around 23 ABY. The Vagaari exploited the chaos and devastation caused by the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, seizing territory and expanding their influence.

