Garault was a Jedi Master of the Human species and male gender, who devoted himself to the Jedi Order during the times of conflict known as the Cold War and the Galactic War against the reconstituted Sith Empire. This man was imposing, with broad shoulders and a tall stature, and bore a battle scar on his chin obtained in combat against the Empire. He served as the second-in-command to Master Surro, who headed a small band of Jedi that embraced an additional tenet to the established Jedi Code: "There is no contemplation, there is only duty." This team functioned as scouts for the Galactic Republic on the planet of Balmorra following the defeat of Grand Marshal Cheketta at the Balmorran Arms Factory. During this time, Garault nearly fell to the dark side of the Force after Danak, one of their comrades, was killed by Imperial forces due to the betrayal of a Twi'lek named Ivo. Years afterward, the group, now formally recognized as the Sixth Line and working for the Republic Strategic Information Service, was dispatched to the world of Ziost by Theron Shan. However, Garault and his companions were enslaved to the will of the former Sith Emperor Vitiate. Garault suffered critical injuries in a subsequent engagement, and in the moments preceding his demise, he was freed from Vitiate's influence. During the final confrontation with Tenebrae, Garault's spirit was among those present to witness the Sith Lord's ultimate destruction.
The character of Garault was initially presented in the short story titled The Sixth Line. This story was released shortly before the addition of Game Update 3.2: Rise of the Emperor to the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Within the update, Garault appears as the first member of the Sixth Line whom players encounter.