
Surro was a Jedi Master of the Jedi Order, recognized as female, who served during the Cold War and the Galactic War. These conflicts were against the reconstituted Sith Empire. Leading a group of Jedi that included Danak, Garault, Landai, and [Onok], she introduced a novel sixth tenet to the established Jedi Code: "There is no contemplation, there is only duty."


In the year 3643 BBY, following the defeat of Grand Marshal Cheketta at the Balmorran Arms Factory, Surro's team acted as scouts for the Galactic Republic's on the planet of Balmorra. When Danak disappeared during a scouting mission to the factory, Surro directed the team to search Imperial camps for him. Unfortunately, they arrived too late to prevent his execution by Captain Bowenn of the Empire, which occurred before their very eyes. Surro then guided the team in pursuit of Ivo, a local Balmorran who sympathized with the Empire and had betrayed Danak. Surro interrogated Ivo and convinced Garault to simply erase Ivo's memory instead of taking revenge by killing him.

Master Surro's body is possessed by Vitiate.

The group's bond strengthened that night, and in 3636 BBY, when Theron Shan, an agent of the Republic Strategic Information Service, requested Surro to lead a mission to Ziost, Garault, Landai, and Onok followed her without any hesitation. Regrettably, upon their arrival on the planet's surface, the entire team was taken over by the former Sith Emperor Vitiate, who manipulated them into slaughtering both Imperials and innocent civilians. Lana Beniko, the Minister of Sith Intelligence, Theron Shan, and their ally, the Outlander, discovered that electrocution could break Vitiate's control over his subjects. They orchestrated a mass electrocution of Surro and the other puppets in the city of New Adasta. Vitiate, who claimed that Surro's body was his favorite, engaged the Outlander in battle but was ultimately defeated, allowing Surro to regain control of herself. After regaining consciousness, Surro informed Lana and Theron that she could still hear the Emperor's voice, leading Shan and Beniko to take her away from Ziost.

She passed away for reasons unknown before 3626 BBY, and later manifested as a ghost or spirit after the Outlander and their companions defeated Vitiate permanently.

Behind the scenes

After the player defeats Surro, they are presented with a choice: killing her, sending her to the Empire for experimentation due to her possession by Vitiate, or sending her to Satele Shan. The first two options result in the player gaining dark side points, while the last option awards light side points.

