Landai was a Mirialan Jedi Master (a female, specifically) who gave her service to the Jedi Order during the times of the Cold War and the Galactic War. These conflicts occurred against the Sith Empire. She was a member of a Jedi group commanded by Master Surro. This group adopted a sixth line to the established Jedi Code: "There is no contemplation, there is only duty." After Grand Marshal Cheketta's loss at the Balmorran Arms Factory, this team acted as scouts for the Galactic Republic on the planet of Balmorra. The team suffered a casualty when Danak was killed by Imperial forces; his location was given up by a Twi'lek named Ivo. Some years passed, and the group, now officially the Sixth Line and working for the Republic Strategic Information Service, was sent to the planet Ziost by Theron Shan. However, Landai and her companions were taken over by the former Sith Emperor known as Vitiate. During the subsequent Invasion of Ziost, Vitiate manipulated Landai and Master Onok as puppets. They were ultimately defeated in combat within the People's Tower in the city called New Adasta. Landai's spirit was among those witnessing Tenebrae's demise during the final confrontation.
Landai's initial appearance was in the short story titled The Sixth Line. This story was released shortly before Game Update 3.2, known as Rise of the Emperor, was introduced to the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Landai and Onok are featured in the mission titled "Dead Center" within the update. Players have the option to either shock them into unconsciousness, which grants light side alignment points, or eliminate them, which results in dark side alignment points.