Gjon, also known as Honest Gjon, was a H'drachi male who made his home on the various moons orbiting Bogden during the time of the Clone Wars. On the moon Bogg 4, Gjon was the proprietor of a landing pad, and on Bogg 11 he ran a repair shop. Despite his "Honest" moniker, Gjon was a criminal who would pilfer starships that had docked at his landing pad, transporting them to his repair shop where he would dismantle them for scrap. In the year 22 BBY, the Human youth Boba Fett touched down on Gjon's landing pad. Fett's vessel, Slave I, sustained damage during the landing, leading Gjon to offer to repair it at his shop.
Gjon, however, intended to scrap Fett's ship, and thus he moved Slave I to Bogg 11. Before he could begin dismantling it, Fett, accompanied by his new acquaintance Aia, confronted him. Aia had been instrumental in helping Fett locate Gjon after the boy realized Slave I was gone. Gjon returned Slave I to Fett, who held no resentment over the affair. Subsequently, Gjon, Aia, and Fett collaborated to steal credits. Piloting Slave I, the trio ventured into space above Bogg 2, where counterfeit credits were being smuggled from Bogg 2 to Bogg 9. They intercepted two hot air balloons with gondolas laden with credits, although a security officer was concealed within the second balloon that they brought aboard Slave I. Fett swiftly accelerated Slave I, causing the security officer to lose his balance. Gjon and Aia then managed to eject him through the ship's open hatch, although the stolen money was lost during the struggle. Following this incident, Fett left Gjon and Aia on one of Bogden's moons, and continued on to Coruscant.
Operating a repair shop on the moon known as Bogg 11, the H'drachi male Gjon, who styled himself Honest Gjon, also possessed a landing pad on Bogg 4, another moon of Bogden located in the Inner Rim Territories. To facilitate his repair work, he had a cybernetic tool implanted in place of his right arm. In 22 BBY, the aspiring bounty hunter and young Human Boba Fett landed his ship, Slave I, on Gjon's pad on Bogg 4. Gjon initially intended to charge Fett a landing fee, but upon noticing that Slave I required a landing strut repair, Fett agreed to let Gjon handle the repairs for 200 credits. Gjon then waived the landing fee, seemingly as a gesture of generosity. Fett then departed for town in the company of Aia, a Humanoid native who guided him to the Bonny Bounty cantina.
Gjon, however, had no intention of actually repairing Slave I. He started the ship, flew it to Bogg 11, and made preparations to melt it down for its constituent parts. Fett soon discovered his ship was missing but had no idea how to retrieve it. Aia, being a native of the moons, knew of a way to travel between them when their atmospheres overlapped. During these overlaps, gravity would weaken significantly in certain areas on the moons, allowing travel through one moon's atmosphere and into the other by riding these gravity-weakened patches. Aia carried Fett, gliding through the sky and using the decreased gravity to jump from Bogg 4 to Bogg 11 as the moons' exospheres briefly intersected. Aia and Fett then caught up to Gjon at his shop before he could dismantle the ship. Having been discovered, Gjon relented and returned Slave I to Fett.
Gjon then proposed a partnership with Fett and Aia to earn some money, arguing that Fett would need more funds if he intended to travel to Coruscant as he desired. Gjon claimed knowledge of a smuggling operation transporting counterfeit money from Bogg 2 to Bogg 9, suggesting that they could intercept some of the hot air balloons carrying the credits with a suitable ship. Fett piloted Slave I into space above Bogg 2, where they waited with Gjon and Aia. The trio seized the second balloon that floated by, bringing it into Slave I, and discovered it was full of counterfeit credits. On Gjon's suggestion, they decided to seize another balloon in hopes of acquiring even more money.
However, the next balloon they captured contained a security officer armed with a blaster. The officer demanded that they surrender the ship and exit through the open hatch. Thinking quickly, Fett set Slave I to accelerate suddenly in four seconds, throwing everyone off balance. Gjon and Aia recovered first and threw the officer out of the ship before he could react. Although Fett was concerned about potential penalties for killing a security officer, Gjon revealed that the officer was merely a common criminal attempting to trick them into giving up the ship.
While they had averted death, they had lost nearly all the stolen credits when Slave I accelerated, as the money had been ejected through the ship's hatch. Gjon insisted on giving Fett the remaining 100 credits, and then Fett landed the ship on Bogg 4, dropping off Gjon and Aia. Gjon bid farewell to Fett before the boy departed for Coruscant, advising him to be less trusting.
Gjon was an individual lacking in scruples. He felt no remorse in deceiving Boba Fett—a young boy—into believing he would repair his ship, when his true intention was to steal and dismantle it. However, Gjon yielded when caught. Aia believed Gjon possessed a sense of honor, and she assured Fett that Gjon would return his ship once apprehended. The H'drachi also saw no issue with stealing counterfeit money, as the money was already illegally produced. Gjon developed a respect for Fett, and he offered the ambitious young Human advice upon their parting.
Gjon was a character created for the 2002 young reader novel Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive, penned by Terry Bisson. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia identifies Gjon as an M'haeli from Bogg 4. However, M'haeli is actually a planet, the homeworld of the H'drachi, Gjon's species. This article assumes that Gjon is native to Bogg 4, based on implications within Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive.