Gloomroot Pancake

Gloomroot Pancakes were a type of pancake that had a brown coloration. These dishes were made using shredded gloomroot, which is a specific kind of tuber. This tuber is native to the Shadowlands region of the planet Kashyyyk. These pancakes were presented as a vegetarian side dish. Strono Tuggs, an Artiodac chef, decided to add a Gloomroot Pancakes recipe to his second cookbook, The Life Day Cookbook, sometime after 34 ABY, when his initial cookbook was published. To enhance both the sweetness and the visual appeal of the pancakes, Tuggs incorporated additional root vegetables. The Artiodac described the pancakes as delightful, serving them alongside both a white sauce and a green sauce.

Behind the scenes

The recipe for Gloomroot Pancakes was specifically developed for the Star Wars: The Life Day Cookbook in 2021. This cookbook was authored by both Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak. The out-of-universe version of the recipe calls for peeled russet potatoes, peeled rainbow carrots, medium onions, one large egg, matzo meal, all-purpose flour, salt, black pepper, vegetable oil, applesauce, and sour cream.


  • Star Wars: The Life Day Cookbook (First mentioned)

Notes and references
