Goru Rainstealer, a male individual, was a weapons designer credited with the creation of the Zicx-bug bomb. This weapon, resembling a grenade, was deemed illegal and utilized live Zicx bugs suspended in sarlacc bile. His mistreatment of clients and his development of illegal weapons resulted in him being disliked by numerous groups, including the Galactic Empire, the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the Hutt Cartel, Black Sun, and Valarian, a crime lord of the Whiphid species. Fearing those who desired his services or wished him dead, Rainstealer sought refuge in the city of Narmle on Rori, a moon orbiting the planet Naboo. Sometime after the Battle of Yavin during the Galactic Civil War, a spacer approached Rainstealer, commissioning him to create a unique weapon. Rainstealer eventually agreed, instructing the spacer to acquire the necessary components. He then used these components to create multiple Zicx-bug bombs, ensuring the spacer's silence about his activities.

Goru Rainstealer, identified as male, was a proficient weapons designer. Among his creations was the notorious Zicx-bug bomb, a grenade-like device containing live Zicx bugs suspended within sarlacc bile. During his lifetime, Rainstealer's problematic client interactions sparked the ire of both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire, the primary combatants in the Galactic Civil War. The Empire outlawed his Zicx-bug bomb, while the Alliance considered it a repulsive weapon. Conversely, criminal organizations like the Hutt Cartel and Black Sun sought to acquire this weapon from Rainstealer. Ultimately, Rainstealer's client relations led to the Empire and Alliance wanting him dead, while the Hutts, Black Sun, and a Whiphid crime lord named Valarian also desired his demise. After the Battle of Yavin during the Galactic Civil War, Rainstealer resided in Narmle, a city located on Rori, a moon of the planet Naboo. He lived in constant fear of assassination by those he had offended or who coveted his creations. His reputation as a disgraced weapons designer was known to at least one individual, as overheard by a spacer discussing Rainstealer and the Zicx-bug bomb in a cantina within Narmle.
While residing in Narmle, the spacer approached Rainstealer, requesting a specialized weapon. Initially fearing the spacer was an assassin sent to eliminate him, Rainstealer's concerns were soon alleviated. He agreed to provide a Zicx-bug bomb, contingent on the spacer maintaining silence about his location. Despite possessing the weapon casings, Rainstealer required the spacer to procure Zicx bugs and sarlacc bile, the weapon's active components, found exclusively on the planet Tatooine. To facilitate access to these items, he provided the spacer with his calling card, directing them to a friend, a xenobiologist named Jowir Ar'Lensa. Ar'Lensa assisted the spacer in acquiring the necessary ingredients, after which the spacer returned to Rainstealer in Narmle. With the components in hand, Rainstealer fulfilled his agreement, constructing five bug bombs for the spacer. Upon completion, he explicitly stated his unwillingness to produce any further weapons, and reinforced the importance of maintaining his location's secrecy due to his fear of assassins.
Goru Rainstealer was a highly skilled weapons designer, with some believing that he was the only person capable of creating the illegal Zicx-bug bomb. In his younger years, he treated his clients unethically, which angered several powerful organizations to the point that they wanted him dead. While his weapons were considered unethical by the Empire and Alliance, they attracted the attention and envy of both Black Sun and the Hutts. Due to the animosity from these organizations, Rainstealer feared being attacked and killed by their agents. He had a friend named Jowir Ar'Lensa, who was willing to assist the individual that Rainstealer sent to him. Rainstealer possessed extensive knowledge of Zicx-bugs and held a high opinion of the bomb he created from them. His creation, the Zicx-bug bomb, was regarded as an infamous weapon that was more trouble than it was worth.
When he offered to build Zicx-bug bombs for the spacer, Rainstealer cautioned the individual to never mention him to anyone else because he was afraid of the organizations he had angered. After the bug bombs were finished, Rainstealer told the spacer that he could not make any more of the weapon, out of fear that he would be discovered.

Goru Rainstealer appeared as a non-player character within Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game launched in 2003 by LucasArts and developed by Sony Online Entertainment (before its closure on December 15, 2011). In this video game, Rainstealer resided in Narmle on Rori, where he tasked players with acquiring the ingredients for the Zicx-bug bomb. This required players to travel to Tatooine and work for Jowir Ar'Lensa in Wayfar. After obtaining Valarian spice for Ar'Lensa, players received a jar of Zicx bugs. Subsequently, players had to embark on a quest for Palu, involving the rescue of her sister, Feinu. Completing this quest provided a protective coverall, allowing players to safely approach the sarlacc within the Great Pit of Carkoon. After extracting the bile, players returned to Rainstealer to receive five Zicx-bug bombs.
Goru Rainstealer was also referenced in "10 Hot Spots Travel Guide," an article published on the game's website by Michael Farone, featuring an anonymous quote about Rainstealer and the bug bomb quest. In this article, Rainstealer was depicted as a male Bith, but he was later given a permanent Human male appearance in the game. Given the official source status of the Galaxies feature, it remains uncertain whether Rainstealer was originally a Bith or a Human. While players could opt out of Rainstealer's quest, this article assumes complete game completion.