Gramo Murah

Gramo Murah was a Human male who belonged to the Ragtag group. He resided on Corellia during the Galactic Civil War era.


Located in the Nomad Mountains, Gramo Murah commanded a small faction of Ragtags operating from a bunker. Following the Battle of Yavin, Murah's crew engaged in a fierce conflict with the Meatlumps, a criminal organization known for their anti-technology stance. Ultimately, the Ragtags forced Strilath Farles' Meatlump group to relocate from Corellia to the planet Talus.

In 1 ABY, Vani Korr, a reporter for the Corellia Times, hired a spacer to eliminate Strilath Farles in exchange for Meatlump information. Seeking revenge against the Ragtags, the Meatlump lieutenant offered the adventurer a deal to eliminate Gramo Murah and his gang. The spacer then launched an assault on the Ragtag bunker in the mountains, successfully killing Gramo Murah and a number of his Ragtag henchmen. The spacer also destroyed their cache of stolen goods. Ultimately, Gramo Murah's demise proved futile, as Strilath Farles later declined to provide any intelligence.

Behind the scenes

Gramo Murah made an appearance as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was brought to life by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before its servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. Gramo Murah was integrated into the game through the "Chapter 10: The Search for the Meatlump King" update, which went live on June 19, 2008.

The NPC was referred to as either Gramo Murah or Mramo Gurah, depending on the player's Combat Level (CL). Players undertaking the quest "The Meatlumps Hideout, Part 4" during their character's leveling process (at CL 65) would encounter the NPC as Gramo Murah. Conversely, those completing the quest after reaching the game's end (at CL 90) would know the NPC as Mramo Gurah. Several narrative elements suggested that the quest was designed to be undertaken at CL 65.

