Graxol Kelvyyn, a native of the Anx species, was present at the Boonta Eve Classic podracing competition. He observed the event from the private box belonging to Watto, the Toydarian junk dealer, located within the Mos Espa Grand Arena on Tatooine, a planet. This occurred in 32 BBY. Kelvyyn's appearance included creamy white skin, robes in shades of blue and orange, a silver necklace, and a tall, scarlet-colored collar.
Kelvyyn's initial appearance was in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, a film from the prequel trilogy released in 1999. The design for Kelvyyn, along with that of Horox Ryyder (another Anx character in The Phantom Menace), originated from a single sketch created by concept artist Doug Chiang. This sketch served as the basis for a 3D maquette sculpted by John Coppinger. Coppinger was fond of the original design and made minimal changes during the conversion process, primarily adding finer details and adjusting certain proportions.
Jerome Blake, the actor, was unavailable to portray Kelvyyn on the filming day due to prior commitments to another role. Consequently, Coppinger himself donned the Anx costume. This rig involved the performer standing on twenty-four-inch stilts, with the head positioned thirty-six inches above the performer's head. This resulted in a character approximately eleven feet in height. George Lucas, the director, determined that including such a tall character in the same frame as smaller characters like Yoda would necessitate an unacceptably distant camera angle. Therefore, Kelvyyn's scene was filmed with him seated.
The official identification of Kelvyyn within the current Star Wars canon first occurred on a trading card within the 2016 Topps Star Wars: Rogue One Mission Briefing card set, which was launched by The Topps Company, Inc. in 2016. The name "Kelvyyn" was initially introduced in the Star Wars Legends continuity, appearing on an action figure set produced by Hasbro in 1999.