
The Anx were a towering reptilian sentient species indigenous to the world of Gravlex Med. Their most distinguishing feature was their head, shaped like a blade, adorned with a crest that dynamically shifted color to reflect the emotional state of each individual. Their posture was characteristically stooped, and their voices possessed a deep timbre, both of which were directly influenced by the heightened gravity of their atmosphere on their planet of origin. Notably, they maintained representation within both the halls of the Galactic Senate and the ranks of the Jedi Order.

Biology and appearance

Evolving on the Outer Rim planet Gravlex Med, a world characterized by intense gravity, the Anx are a reptilian sentient species whose very form reflects the demands of their homeworld. As bipeds, they possessed powerful musculature, a naturally bent and stooped stance, and sizable tails that served as a counterweight to maintain balance under the planet's strong gravitational pull. Despite these adaptations, the Anx were imposing figures, often reaching heights of up to four meters, showcasing remarkable physical strength. They utilized their considerable height to efficiently gather resources from the chiliox trees that flourished on their native world.

Further adaptations of the Anx included the innate low-frequency resonance of their vocalizations, a trait that allowed communication over great distances during a historical time when the species resided in subterranean cave networks. Under optimal circumstances, an Anx could project their voice for kilometers, whether within the confines of an underground cave system or in the open environment. Their prominent headcrests also evolved to facilitate communication, changing hues to indicate their emotional state. This characteristic stemmed from the herd-based social structure and communal lifestyle practiced by the Anx on Gravlex Med. While Force-sensitivity was not common, it was not entirely absent among the Anx population.

Society and culture

The inherent herd mentality of the Anx species eventually transitioned into a fully developed clan-based society. The internal framework of these clans was built upon both extended familial connections and intricate political alliances. Even long after the initial formation of this structure, Anx exhibited unwavering loyalty to their families and fellow clan members, readily understanding the complex relationships between different groups, a system that predated their interactions with any other sentient species.

The Anx possessed an innate curiosity, fueled by their confidence in their ability to overcome most challenges through their imposing size and strength. They also displayed a unique talent for intuitively identifying anatomical weaknesses in other species, granting them a further advantage when confronting novel obstacles. The Anx developed their own deeply resonant language, which proved impossible for other species to replicate, but they eventually mastered Galactic Basic as well.


From caves to the stars

Originating within the extensive cave systems that permeated the crust of Gravlex Med, the Anx eventually emerged from their subterranean existence and began to harvest the abundant resources of the chiliox trees that thrived across the savannahs of their homeworld. Well before encountering any other sentient species, the Anx's herd-based social structure evolved into a sophisticated clan-based society that, in ancient times, independently developed space travel through the creation of the Gravlex Launchworks. These installations consisted of high-velocity cannons meticulously calibrated to launch starships along precise trajectories to other planets, and were strategically positioned across the surface of Gravlex Med. Utilizing this technology, the Anx established a long and distinguished history of interstellar exploration and colonization.

Following their initial encounter with hyperdrive technology, the Anx ultimately integrated it into their exploration and colonization endeavors, rendering the launchworks obsolete. These facilities were subsequently repurposed as waste disposal systems, launching all of the refuse generated by Anx society into the heart of the Gravlex Med system's sun.

Imperial contamination

By the time of the Imperial Era, while some Anx continued to inhabit the caves of their homeworld, the majority had long since migrated to the surface, residing in cities such as Ozlyn Gox, the capital of Gravlex Med. Historically, the species had navigated every challenge with relative ease, but this equilibrium was disrupted with the rise of the Galactic Empire, who seized control of the launchworks of Gravlex Med to study the technology for potential combat applications in weaponry. The hazardous byproducts of the experiments conducted by the Imperial researchers polluted the planet, disrupting the ecological balance of its savannahs and causing widespread decline among native flora and fauna.

The experiments conducted on the ancient cannons yielded minimal results, but unwilling to concede failure, the research teams recommended that the Empire expand the launchworks use as garbage disposal facilities. Consequently, vast numbers of garbage scows and transports carrying hazardous waste began to arrive at the planet to deposit their refuse. Although the waste was processed for eventual launch from the cannons, the launchwork facilities were not designed to handle such immense quantities or contain contamination, leading to further environmental degradation on Gravlex Med. The areas surrounding the launchworks rapidly transformed into wastelands, contaminated by toxic spills and deadly biological agents.

The Imperial Military also established garrisons across Gravlex Med without regard for the territorial claims of the native clans, who lacked the resources to effectively challenge the Imperials. Many Anx began to flee their polluted homeworld, fearing further actions by the Empire as its control tightened. This exodus raised concerns that the Anx's long legacy might be fragmented or that their cherished traditions might be lost forever. Some Anx looked to their ancient colonization practices for the chance for a new start among the stars, but others aligned themselves with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a faction rebelling against the Empire, hoping to reverse the decline of their homeworld.

Anx in the galaxy

The Anx Horox Ryyder served as a senator of the Galactic Republic.

The Anx's unique appearance and deeply resonant voices made them easily recognizable throughout the galaxy, making their origins on a high-gravity world apparent to even casual observers. The low frequencies of their voices often caused discomfort in other species, triggering unpleasant sensations deep within their bones even when the Anx spoke in Basic. As their native language caused even more intense discomfort in others, they rarely spoke it outside of Gravlex Med.

Conversely, the Anx found it unsettling when other species learned to interpret the changing colors of their headcrests, making deception more difficult for the reptilian species. Non-Anx found the species' complex social structures difficult to grasp, and some considered them excessively curious, but the species had a reputation for courage and bold action and were naturally charming and able to lead.

During the High Republic Era, the Anx Xo Lahru served as one of the Grand Masters of the Jedi Order alongside others such as Pra-Tre Veter and Yoda.

During the era of the Galactic Republic, numerous Force-sensitive Anx joined the Jedi Order, with some achieving the esteemed rank of Jedi Master. The Anx's innate understanding of the anatomy of other species made them skilled healers and duelists, talents they readily employed while intervening in dangerous situations, supported by their resilient bodies and fearless nature. During the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the prowess of the Anx Jedi on the battlefield earned them widespread respect, bordering on awe. However, following the fall of the Jedi at the end of the war, Force-sensitive Anx learned to be especially discreet about revealing their natural abilities, given the Empire's heightened interest in the species' holdings.

Behind the scenes

The Anx made their debut appearance in the 1999 prequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Within the established Star Wars canon, they were first identified in the 2014 junior novel Ezra's Gamble by Ryder Windham.

