A male Human named Grubber Vapps made his living as a Sailor at the "222 fishing trawler" located in Bartyn's Landing, a town found on Lamaredd. His life took a turn when his buddy, Mix Liddell, who had just been appointed Security Chief, enlisted him as one of his Seconds. In this role, Vapps aided Liddell in confronting threats such as Byrch "The Padawan" Dyshkava. He then remained Liddell's reliable friend and assistant for four decades. During this period, Vapps, a swoop enthusiast, also participated in unlawful Cargo Track races. Following Liddell's retirement, Vapps stepped up to become the new Security Chief.
In approximately 89 BBY, a Human man named Grubber Vapps was born in Bartyn's Landing, which serves as the capital city for the planet of Lamaredd. Just like a significant portion of the local population, Vapps earned his living as a fisherman, working on one of the 222 fishing trawlers belonging to Bartyn Gourmet Delicacies. He also had a friendship with Mix Liddell, a Mon Calamari harpoonist. Around 69 BBY, Liddell became one of the Security Chief's Seconds.
Around that time, Ertine, the Security Chief, along with the majority of his seconds, were murdered by Byrch Dyshkava, a raider leader and dark Jedi known as "The Padawan." Liddell was the only one who survived, and the town council then appointed him as the new Chief. Subsequently, Chief Liddell recruited several Seconds from among his sailor friends, including Vapps. Displaying both courage and cleverness, Liddell and his team managed to defeat The Padawan and his gang, although The Padawan managed to escape from jail not long after.
Vapps, feeling a strong bond of friendship with Liddell and enjoying his work, continued to serve as a Second for the next four decades. He rose to the position of Senior Second, acting as Liddell's proxy in town whenever Liddell was away, and becoming a trusted lieutenant. Vapps, an amateur mechanic, also worked on almost all of the land vehicles in the Landing.
Vapps was the owner of "Rudy," a RDD-7 racing swoop that he had personally customized with a reinforced frame and a mounted slugthrower. Vapps used "Rudy" to compete in illegal Cargo Track races, achieving favorable results. Even though Vapps believed that Liddell was unaware of his hobby, Liddell was indeed aware of it but chose not to reveal his knowledge to Vapps. Around 29 BBY, "Rudy" was stolen by outlaws, which led Vapps to join a team in order to recover his vehicle.
Following this incident, Dyshkava made a reappearance in Bartyn's Landing and engaged in a public street duel, which he ended up losing. Liddell and Vapps hurried to the scene. Liddell wanted to confront the gunfighters, but he instructed Vapps to remain hidden within the crowd as his backup, armed with a sawed-off slugthrower. Liddell and Vapps then took Dyshkava, who was still alive, to a cell and interrogated the other fighters.
Shortly after, Guther Bartyn, the mayor of the Landing, the Administrator of the local mines, and the owner of BGD, experienced a significant loss of his political and economic influence. Liddell ran for the position of Administrator and won, and Vapps succeeded him as the new Security Chief. One of the initial challenges for Chief Vapps involved two MMV mining droids that had been reprogrammed by a deranged Bartyn to attack law-abiding citizens of the Landing. Vapps joined forces with Administrator Liddell and others to neutralize the droids.
Grubber Vapps, the Senior Second, was a constable in a remote town on an insignificant planet, known for smoking cigarras, drinking liquor, gambling at sabacc, using a toolkit, and riding a swoop. He possessed specialized skills relevant to his area of work and was a skilled marksman with both his slugthrower pistol and a rare blaster, despite suffering from strabismus.
Vapps frequented various locations, including the town jail, where he oversaw criminals, though more often than not, he watched over drunks and drifters. He could also be found at several backroom sabacc tables, where he might be presiding, at Miss Mylla's Saloon, or in a garage, where he would further customize his self-proclaimed masterpiece, "Rudy," not to mention the Cargo Track races.
As of 29 BBY, Liddell suspected that a number of his Seconds were regularly accepting bribes from Bartyn. While Liddell had complete trust that Vapps was not among them, he had to acknowledge that both Vapps and he were becoming too old for certain types of activities.