
The sovereign leader of the world known as Isobe was Lord Hallux. His offspring included Thelan and Althea.


During the Imperial Era, Lord Hallux, a male Sephi, held power over the inhabitants of Isobe. The sale of valuable Tynzo stones brought great prosperity to Isobe throughout his time in charge. However, the lord's son, Captain Thelan, at one point established a contraband operation involving the crystals. Eventually, a young human named Jun Sato, a member of that operation, was apprehended by law enforcement. Further complicating matters, the human had developed a romantic connection with Hallux's daughter, Princess Althea. Despite Sato's defense, the Lord of Isobe deemed him guilty and exiled him from the planet permanently.

In subsequent years, Hallux had to contend with a disruption in the Tynzo market resulting from Thelan's price cutting. Eventually, Althea passed away. The day following the princess' funeral, Jun Sato, now a Commander within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, stood before Hallux, accompanied by fellow Rebel Sabine Wren. The Rebel commander informed the Lord of Isobe that Thelan had orchestrated the smuggling operation, undercutting him for years. Hallux commanded his guards to seize the prince and granted Sato one hour to pay his respects at Althea's grave.

Personality and traits

Hallux was a Sephi with broad shoulders, peach-toned skin, and green eyes. At the time of Sato's return, his hair was still brown, and he had a full beard with a pointed mustache.

The Sephi lord had great affection for his daughter, confirmed by the inscription on her tombstone and his personal carving of a Tynzo crystal into a heart as a tribute to her. Upon learning of Thelan's betrayal, Hallux reacted with seeming composure, simply stating that his son had dedicated his life to disappointing him. Despite the Sephi's lingering resentment towards Sato, even after the revelation, Hallux still allowed the Rebel an hour to grieve for Althea.

Behind the scenes

Lord Hallux made his debut in "Never Far Behind," a comic story spanning 12 pages, penned by Jeremy Barlow and illustrated by Cosmo White. The story was published under the German title "Unvergessen" in the 39th edition of the German Star Wars Rebels Magazine, which was released on December 20, 2017.

