Fiolla, officially known as Hart-and-Parn Gorra-Fiolla of Lorrd, held an executive position within the Corporate Sector Authority. Her journey with the Authority began on Etti IV during her university years, where she played a role in capturing a fugitive holostar. Demonstrating exceptional talent, she rapidly ascended the corporate ladder, eventually becoming the Assistant Auditor-General. In the year 2 BBY, Fiolla was instrumental in dismantling a slave operation on Bonadan, a feat accomplished with the assistance of Han Solo, Chewbacca, and territorial manager Odumin. During this period, she and Solo engaged in a brief romantic encounter. However, following the successful completion of their mission, they went their separate ways, and Odumin recognized her contributions by promoting her to the role of his deputy. Later in her career with the CSA, Fiolla found herself investigating the Prex's office after an attempt on her life by one of the Prex's aides. In response, Fiolla initiated a formal inquiry into the office, aiming to expose Chils Meplin's involvement in espionage. By 0 ABY, Fiolla had achieved the position of a successful Auditor-General and was the proprietor of her own enterprise, Hart and Parn Starships, located on Lorrd, though her primary focus remained her work for the Corporate Sector Authority.
As a member of the Lorrdians, Fiolla possessed a remarkable ability to discern the emotional states of others by observing subtle nuances in their vocal tone and body language. She was also proficient in the Lorrdian method of kinetic communication, along with being a skilled mimic. Distinct from many CSA officials, Fiolla held a strong belief in the ultimate triumph of good.
Fiolla was raised on Lorrd in a middle-class family. Her parents owned a landspeeder dealership and lived a relatively ordinary life. However, this lifestyle did not appeal to the adventurous Fiolla, who cherished childhood memories of listening to stories about show business from her uncle Rewello, a comedian who had once performed for the Regent of Alderaan.
Fiolla eventually enrolled in the University of Kalla, where she pursued studies in political science. During one vacation, she and her roommates made a random selection of a destination within the Galactic Empire for a trip, which led them to Etti IV. While she appreciated the shopping opportunities available on the planet, she found that it still lacked the excitement she desired.
One evening during their vacation, she and her friends were socializing with other patrons at a dance club when she spotted the renowned holostar Rex Shaxrigge. After agreeing to meet her friends back at their hotel later, Fiolla's curiosity was piqued, and she followed the holostar out the back of the club, hoping to meet the celebrity. To her surprise, Shaxrigge met an older woman, and Fiolla noticed from the woman's posture and appearance that she had a military background. She remained hidden until Shaxrigge pulled a vibro-shiv on the woman. Thinking quickly, Fiolla imitated the lines of one of the characters from Shaxrigge's holodramas, distracting him. She then grabbed a tray of drinks from a passing droid and upended it on the would-be assailant, which gave the woman, a detached agent for the Auditor-General's office, time enough to summon her Espo backup. The agent, Dagmar Vozda, was impressed by Fiolla's talents and quick thinking. Vozda explained to Fiolla that Shaxrigge had been romancing female executives in order to obtain industrial secrets. Vozda then offered a Fiolla a job with the CSA's law enforcement establishment as her assistant, and Fiolla accepted, elated at the new prospects.
Shortly after beginning her employment, Vozda retired, and Fiolla succeeded her as a full agent. Within three years, she had earned a promotion to Assistant Auditor-General, a remarkable achievement in such a short time. As a native of Lorrd, a planet with a history of slavery, she maintained a deep-seated aversion to slavers. Her determination to eradicate slavery would eventually lead her to investigate and dismantle a slavery ring operating within the Corporate Sector.
In 2 BBY, Fiolla was stationed on Bonadan, where she was actively investigating a slaver ring. The investigation began unexpectedly when her portable computer terminal malfunctioned, leading her to borrow her assistant's terminal for an audit. Serendipitously, using that terminal unlocked information about a slaver ring within the Authority and an upcoming meeting between the slavers and Zlarb. Her assistant, Magg, intercepted a message revealing the location of the meeting, prompting Fiolla to attend. She instructed Magg to investigate the spacer transporting Zlarb to Bonadan, attempting to break into the spacecraft while diverting the spacer to an Authority hangar to remove him from the scene. However, this aspect of her plan was unsuccessful.

While Magg was conducting his investigation, Fiolla was waiting for Zlarb to arrive at the designated meeting place. However, instead of Zlarb, the spacer, identified as Han Solo, appeared. Solo had previously killed Zlarb in an altercation on his ship, but the man had owed Solo ten thousand credits, and Solo intended to collect his due at this meeting. Zlarb's associate, however, had different intentions, attacking Solo with a vibroblade. Fiolla attempted to intervene by shooting the assailant, but her blaster malfunctioned. As the two men fought, Fiolla seized a nearby swoop used by Zlarb's associate and ran the vibroblade-armed assailant over. After neutralizing the attacker, Fiolla parked the swoop and tried to determine the identity of this newcomer, initially mistaking Solo for Zlarb.
However, before Fiolla and Solo could even introduce themselves or clarify their motives for being involved in the slaver affair, four more swoops approached them rapidly. Solo and Fiolla quickly boarded the swoop previously used by Zlarb's associate and sped away from their pursuers. Thanks to Solo's daring and skillful piloting through a canyon and a weather control station, they managed to evade the other four swoops.
Upon returning to the main city, Fiolla and Solo sought refuge in a local tapcafe for a private discussion. Fiolla explained to Solo that she was investigating the slavers and wanted to enlist his help, as she knew she couldn't rely on the local Espos due to the slavers' apparent influence over them. Solo informed her that he was an independent spacer and only interested in being paid, which she didn't seem prepared to do. Moreover, he had already been attacked while on Bonadan and was not pleased about it. Fiolla seemed to be making little progress with the smuggler until his first mate Chewbacca arrived, literally toting a skip tracer named Spray. Spray had been trying to repossess Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon for unpaid debts, much to the extreme displeasure of Solo. Fiolla, knowing that it would guarantee her Solo's aid in her investigation, paid off the skip-tracer for Solo, surprising him greatly. To add to her leverage, Fiolla told him that she would leave his name off of her report to the Board of Directors. Solo, with few other viable options, agreed to help her, despite the fact that he would have to bring Spray along with him. Acting on a lead from Solo that traced Zlarb's activities through an agency on Ammuud operated by the Mor Glayyd clan, Fiolla and Solo went to pick up her assistant Magg while Chewbacca, Spray, and Solo's droid Bollux returned to the Millennium Falcon to prepare for a trip to Ammuud.
The two returned to Fiolla's hotel room at the opulent Bonadan Imperial Hotel. However, upon arriving in her room, she found that both it and Magg's room had been ransacked. Solo quickly ordered her to grab whatever she needed so they could leave swiftly. Fiolla did so and the two departed, with Fiolla realizing that she couldn't report the incident to the Espos if she suspected their involvement. The two returned to the Millennium Falcon but found that it was being watched by several suspicious beings, including two of the swoop riders from earlier that day. As that avenue of reaching Ammuud was removed from them, Fiolla and Solo opted to take a passenger liner instead; they would meet up with Chewbacca and the Falcon on Ammuud. Solo inconspicuously signaled the change of plans to his first mate and he and Fiolla boarded the shuttle that would ferry them up to a waiting ship to Ammuud. Fiolla, flush with Authority credits for her expenditures, paid for the tickets, though Solo told her to use currency rather than vouchers, as it was less traceable. His revelation that her missing assistant might be dead or captured did little to assuage her fears.
However, Fiolla's string of bad luck continued as their shuttle suffered mechanical delays and missed connecting with the ship that would have taken them to Ammuud. With no other option, Fiolla and her irritated Corellian partner were forced to take a much slower tour ship, the Lady of Mindor. She did enjoy her time on the ship, particularly when spent in the company of Solo, though to his annoyance, she kept her stateroom door locked when she was sleeping. Solo offered to recoup some financial losses via his gambling skills, but Fiolla refused to provide him with the stake he would need.
While they were walking along the ship's promenade, the Lady of Mindor dropped out of hyperspace and immediately came under attack by pirates. Fiolla and Solo immediately made a run for it; as Fiolla still retained her hard currency on her person, there was no need to retrieve anything from their quarters. Despite the unsuitability of her formal shimmersilk dress for quick flight, the two made their way towards the escape pods. As the captain of the Lady of Mindor had surrendered the vessel, the pods were disabled. Solo found an unmanned laser cannon turret and was preparing to fire on a pirate boarding craft, much to Fiolla's displeasure, when the Corellian came up with a different idea. Evading boarding parties sent by the pirates, Solo led the thoroughly unhappy Fiolla down through a series of service corridors. Fiolla failed to see the point of this dirty, hot, and uncomfortable journey and accordingly provided her opinions to Solo. In response, Solo informed her that the pirates were likely after them instead and that mollified her somewhat.
After traversing the length of the entire vessel, Solo brought Fiolla back to the airlock where the pirate craft had boarded, intent on capturing it and using it to escape the Lady of Mindor. Sending up Fiolla first to pose as a scared passenger, Solo ambushed the lone guard who came to investigate the terrified young woman in the utility locker. After Solo knocked the guard out and seized his weapon and armor, Fiolla and Han Solo boarded the pirate craft, heading for its rack of escape pods. En route, they were confronted by a pair of pirates. Solo fired his captured weapon, a flechette launcher, at the pair, and while the light antipersonnel rounds were of little use against armored pirates, they were enough to buy time for their escape in a ship's lifeboat. Solo grabbed Fiolla and pulled her to safety; the identity of one of the pirates had completely shocked her: her assistant Magg, who had been part of the slaver ring the entire time.
Landing on Ammuud's well-defended spaceport, Fiolla pretended to be attached to Solo in order to help assuage the suspicions of the port security officials, who were made up of members from several different clans. With her bedraggled appearance and ragged dress, Fiolla's presence did much to convince the guards of their plight. Fiolla and Solo, revealing that they had business with the Mor Glayyd, the head of the Glayyd clan, were conducted off to the Glayyd clan estates, though not before Solo's droid Bollux was able to meet up with them. Bollux informed them that Chewbacca and Spray had set the Millennium Falcon down in the hills and were repairing damage from a bomb that had been placed on the ship.

Between information they gleaned from Bollux and the port security guards from the Glayyd clan, Fiolla learned that the patriarch of the clan was going to fight a death-duel with an offworlder as demanded by Ammuud's social honor code. Realizing that they could not afford to allow their source of information to be killed, they hurried over to the Glayyd holdings in an attempt to meet with the patriarch before he entered the duel, though they left Bollux to return to the Falcon to apprise Chewbacca of the situation.
At the Glayyd stronghold, Fiolla and Solo met the Mor Glayyd's sister Ido, who informed that the death-duel was over an insult and a physical blow she had received from an offworlder, who had turned out to be the famous gunman Gallandro. Fiolla, recognizing the name, revealed to Solo that Gallandro was a special operative of the territorial manager Odumin. Furthermore, she told him that he needed to take the Mor Glayyd's place in the duel, counting on the fact that Gallandro would back down once he found that it was not the Mor Glayyd participating in the death match. Solo was extremely displeased with this idea, but he had no other choice, and he did agree that, since the duel appeared to be a plot to kill the Mor Glayyd, Gallandro would withdraw. As the Mor Glayyd prepared to meet Gallandro, the unhappy Corellian hastily took his place, knowing that it was his only chance to stop the slaver ring and even have a chance of recouping the ten thousand credits owed him.
As Fiolla had predicted, Gallandro did indeed back down from the duel, but Solo made several caustic remarks about the gunman. Fiolla chided Solo for his brashness and after seeing Gallandro's speed and accuracy when the other gunfighter fired at several practice targets, Solo was inclined to agree with her.
After Gallandro left, Fiolla and Solo were able to discuss matters with the Mor Glayyd regarding his associations with Zlarb. Though the clan head was originally unwilling to reveal his connections, Han's mention that Zlarb was a poisoner was able to garner more information; the previous Mor Glayyd had died of poisoning recently and the late Zlarb had been a Malkite Poisoner. After the connection between them was revealed, the Glayyds were more forthcoming. With a data plaque, spare parts to repair the Millennium Falcon, and a fresh change of clothes to replace Fiolla's torn dress, Fiolla and Solo returned to the grounded freighter, locating its landing area in the remote mountains. Upon seeing the names of the Authority officials on the data plaque, Fiolla was incensed by the corruption. As Han set their borrowed lifeboat down near the Falcon and commenced the nearly-complete repairs with the aid of Chewbacca and Bollux, three unknown vessels were detected. A quick check by Solo revealed that the lifeboat's transceiver had been rigged to send out a constant transmission. Solo immediately suspected Fiolla, who denied the accusation.
The entire party boarded the Millennium Falcon and took off. Due to his suspicion of her, Solo placed Fiolla in the forward compartment being observed by Bollux while Spray flew the ship. In order to shake off their pursuit, Solo and Chewbacca manned the quad laser cannon turrets. The two spacers were able to defeat the three smaller ships, but soon they were chased by a much larger vessel—the slaver vessel that had attacked the Lady of Mindor. The Millennium Falcon attempted to escape, but was caught in a tractor beam and slowly reeled in, despite the efforts of its crew. An unpleasant fate at the hands of Magg and the other slavers on the vessel was averted when an Espo Victory-class Star Destroyer arrived and turned its own tractor beams on the two ships. The slaver vessel tried to fire on the destroyer and received a turbolaser barrage to its main power plant in return, eliminating any further resistance.
Spray, in the mean time, had returned to the tech station where Fiolla was to examine the damage done to the Falcon by the slaver vessel. As he worked, Fiolla noticed him scratching his hands, as he had been doing previously, and realized that he had been the person who had attacked Solo back on Bonadan; Solo had told her that he had bitten his assailant's hand. Fiolla realized that Spray had been manipulating the two spacers the entire time, but the skip-tracer responded calmly, informing her that her career was at a critical juncture and advising her to cooperate with him.
As the Millennium Falcon was hauled into the hangar bay of the Espo destroyer, they were met by Gallandro, who ordered them out of the freighter. Fiolla, along with the others, disembarked from the Millennium Falcon, where Spray revealed that he was Territorial Manager Odumin and Gallandro had been his assistant. As Odumin revealed how he had been controlling the whole situation and using Solo in order to draw out and break the slaver ring, Solo and his partner were thoroughly infuriated. Odumin also noted Fiolla's dedication, ambition, and loyalty, stating that the aftermath of the investigation would leave her an opening to advance rapidly to deputy territorial manager. At that point, Odumin ordered Gallandro to take the two spacers into custody for crimes committed. Gallandro replied that he would do so after Solo and Chewbacca flew the Millennium Falcon back to port on Ammuud, clearly intending to have a blaster duel rematch against Solo. Odumin consented, reminding Gallandro to recover the data plaque from Solo. During this entire ordeal, Fiolla stood by quietly, refusing to meet Solo's eyes, as she knew that her position was on the line.
However, what neither Odumin nor Gallandro knew was that Fiolla had rigged Zlarb's security case, which held the data plaque, to emit a powerful electrical surge if the safety was released. Solo used this to his advantage to paralyze both himself and Gallandro while giving Gallandro the case. Chewbacca then arrived and tied up Gallandro. With the Falcon still in the hangar of the Star Destroyer, Solo quickly noticed that Fiolla and Spray were still in the vicinity, having just climbed into a safety cage that would take them back into the destroyer. Acting swiftly, Solo slipped the cage off of the hoist with Fiolla and Spray inside it. He hooked the cage and its hostages onto the Falcon's forward cargo mandible, and soared out of the hangar bay.
With the status quo suddenly altered in favor of the two smugglers, Solo ordered Gallandro to discuss some terms for the return of his hostages—namely, his unconditional release and the ten thousand credits he was owed. Then, looking at the cage where Fiolla and Odumin were hanging in space, Solo indicated his gratitude and appreciation for her actions in a way that only she would notice due to her talents in kinetic communication. Fiolla was amused by his response, and Fiolla stayed with Solo for some time afterwards. This was ostensibly to ensure the Authority kept its word, but Solo's reasons for retaining her were of a more personal nature.
Fiolla stayed with Solo for some time afterwards, but when he prepared to leave the Corporate Sector, she returned to her job, knowing that her work and a promotion were awaiting her.

In the year 0 ABY, Fiolla, serving as an Auditor-General, received orders to retrieve a prisoner named Naven Crel from Commex and transport him back to Direx. Crel faced accusations of industrial sabotage, and Direx preferred to try him rather than let Commex execute him outright. This assignment proved to be a lengthy and draining ordeal, forcing Fiolla to endure thirty hours without sleep, while her fuel and power cells were almost depleted. After departing from Ulicia with her captive aboard her vessel, the Tydia Rish, Fiolla was en route to her destination when she received a new communication from the office of the Prex.
This subsequent message brought her a new mission, classified as priority X, thereby compelling her immediate diversion, with Crel still in custody. The message also informed her of the destruction of the first Death Star at the hands of the Rebel Alliance. Fiolla's new orders directed her to investigate a Rebel cell located within the Abo Dreth system. As the Tydia Rish entered hyperspace, Fiolla succumbed to sleep in the cockpit, only to awaken and discover that Crel had broken free from his binders and was aiming her blaster at her. Reacting swiftly, she initiated rapid deceleration, causing Crel to fall, and she reclaimed her blaster. After re-securing her prisoner, she landed the Tydia Rish on Abo Dreth in proximity to a life-sign reading.
Accompanied by Crel, she and Crel put on breath masks due to the planet's atmosphere. While examining the area around her landing site, she was taken by surprise by another woman pointing a sporting blaster at her. The woman identified herself as Akeeli Somerce, the Prex's assistant, and revealed her intention to eliminate Fiolla and her prisoner. Both Fiolla and Crel possessed sensitive information regarding the Prex's illicit transfer of CSA data to the Empire. Consequently, the Prex, Chils Meplin, had dispatched the Priority X message to Fiolla as a means of luring them to a location where they could be secretly assassinated.
Observing that Crel had once more managed to escape his restraints, Fiolla deliberately delayed Somerce, giving Crel the opportunity to seize her blaster and fire upon the other woman just as Somerce opened fire. Fiolla successfully dodged the blaster bolts, but both Somerce and Crel were struck. With his dying breath, Crel disclosed that he was an undercover Auditor-General and instructed her to apprehend Meplin, a task Fiolla readily pledged to fulfill.
Around the same period, Fiolla also made a financial investment in a family landspeeder enterprise in the Lorrdian city of Qatamer, known as Hart and Parn Starships. While she had little interest in actively managing the business, she allocated some of her funds acquired from her Auditor-General position to the establishment, expanding its offerings to include starship sales and repairs. However, she consistently declined to engage in any direct involvement with the Rebellion.
Also during 0 ABY, her former love interest Han Solo, who had joined the Rebellion, brought Zak and Tash Arranda, fugitives from the Empire, and the shapeshifter Mammon Hoole, to Hart and Parn Starships for repairs to their ship, the Shroud. Fiolla was absent at the time of their arrival, as she was performing an audit on Daermor, which irritated Solo, who distrusted her associates. Fiolla reassured him, arranging for him and his group to stay with her friend Governor Zenobia le Ingiana of Kinyov, a high-ranking official who sympathized with the Rebellion more than she did. She also permitted the Arranda children to explore her store, provided they didn't damage anything. The two Arrandas later uncovered a pair of Imperial spies attempting to deploy a hidden weapon on Lorrd. However, they thwarted the plot and escaped with the help of a former actor named Garik Loran, who borrowed and subsequently damaged an R-22 Spearhead starfighter from Fiolla's lot during the escape. Following the incident, Loran expressed his hope that Fiolla would sell him the craft. By 10 ABY, Fiolla still held the rank of Auditor-General.
Fiolla possessed an adventurous spirit, relishing excitement and disliking the monotony of an ordinary existence. She was also characterized by ambition, diligence, and loyalty to the Corporate Sector Authority, firmly believing in her ability to enact necessary reforms within the organization. Unlike many CSA employees, Fiolla was an idealist who aspired to do what was right. She even secretly assisted Han Solo in taking her and Odumin hostage, enabling the smuggler to evade the consequences of CSA litigation. Fiolla believed that Solo's prior assistance with her investigation more than compensated for their freedom, and she had enjoyed Solo's company. Fiolla harbored a strong aversion to slavers and slavery, a sentiment rooted in her Lorrdian heritage. To those around her, Fiolla was known for her quick wit, dry humor, and sharp observation, though Han Solo noted that she could also be somewhat naive, often hesitant to suspect malicious intent in others. Nevertheless, she was pragmatic and generally well-prepared, such as consistently carrying cash on her person for quick departures.
Due to her Lorrdian background, Fiolla possessed the ability to detect subtle kinetic movements, such as body language, and replicate them. Consequently, she was a skilled mimic. This talent proved instrumental in securing her employment with the CSA. She was also proficient in the use of blasters. She utilized her abilities during negotiations, as she could discern much of the other party's intentions from their body language and tone. While she was not a skilled pilot during her investigation into Zlarb's slaver ring, Fiolla later acquired her own vessel for use in her investigations, which she piloted herself. Fiolla received training in various disciplines as part of her law enforcement background, including swimming, first aid, computer programming, demolitions, vehicle piloting and repair, lock picking, forgery, pick-pocketing, negotiation skills, and melee and unarmed combat.
During her investigation into the slaver ring operating in the Corporate Sector, Fiolla found herself developing feelings for Han Solo. Solo, impressed by her beauty, talents, and quick thinking, reciprocated her attraction. After Solo negotiated his release from the Corporate Sector and the slaver ring was dismantled, Fiolla spent some time with the Corellian. While they enjoyed each other's company, she recognized that her responsibilities back in the Corporate Sector awaited her, so when he departed, she returned to her position.

Fiolla was originally conceived by Brian Daley in Han Solo's Revenge, and her backstory was later expanded upon in Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook.
Although her hair color has been consistently described as black in nearly all of her appearances, Dave Dorman's artwork for the cover of the 1997 re-release of Han Solo's Revenge depicted Fiolla with blonde hair. This inconsistency has not been addressed by Lucasfilm officials.