
Haven, a clandestine sanctuary, was constructed on the Outer Rim planet of Lothal by Kanan Jarrus' rebel cell. This secret base, nestled within a craggy portion of the planet, comprised several small structures and dwellings intended to provide refuge for vulnerable civilians and refugees persecuted by the Galactic Empire.

Despite possessing its own power source, Haven was reliant on external provisions for survival. A landing platform for the Ghost was integrated into the site. Its primary function, like many other resistance outposts across the galaxy, was that of a refuge, and its destruction wouldn't critically impact the larger rebellion.

Numerous rebel soldiers were stationed at Haven, and its civilian population consisted of individuals such as Keri Belab, Lorvo Derigo, Jimnaj, Angmi Lihosh, Ossin Nandar, Rance Lojo, Rodd Nertu, Dorthu Santim, Nuj Sorwin, Lornto Teswam, Rylou Watmill, an Ugnaught droid maker, as well as a chef.

Behind the scenes

The video game Star Wars Rebels: Recon Missions was the debut of Haven.

