Healing field generator

Antiseptic field generators, alternatively referred to as healing field generators, were medical instruments designed to produce an antiseptic healing field, beneficial in the treatment of injuries like blaster burns. Harter Kalonia, a Doctor serving the Resistance, carried a portable healing field generator within her medical kit at the Resistance base located on the planet D'Qar, storing it securely in a padded container. Approximately three decades following the Battle of Endor, she employed the generator to administer aid to the Wookiee Chewbacca upon his arrival at the base, subsequent to his battle alongside the Resistance against the First Order on the planet Takodana. Though Chewbacca experienced no sensation from the device itself, he noticed the disappearance of all residual discomfort as his injuries were healed.

Behind the scenes

The healing field generator made its initial appearance in the movie Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, which debuted in the year 2015. While the film did not explicitly identify the prop, the reference book Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo and published alongside the movie's release, provided its name.

