
Heezo, a male Selonian who possessed Force-sensitive abilities, once served as a Padawan and later became a technician within the Jedi Temple. Unbeknownst to most, he was a secret operative for Darth Sidious, playing a crucial role in the transformation of Iskat Akaris to the dark side of the Force. His life was ultimately ended by Akaris herself when she uncovered his deception.


Early life

Heezo resided within the walls of the Jedi Temple for a duration exceeding four decades.

Recognizing his potential in the Force, Heezo was brought to Coruscant during his youth to undergo training as a Jedi. However, he was unsuccessful in completing the Jedi Trials at some juncture. Subsequently, the Council of Reassignment reassigned him to Tech Management, where he functioned as a droid maintenance technician, eventually working under the supervision of Jopar Tandil. Despite being aware of his species' communal philosophy, decades passed without him encountering another Selonian.

Working in the Temple

Heezo utilized a previously earned favor to assist Obi-Wan Kenobi (as shown) and his Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn.

In 33 BBY, Heezo was stationed in the Temple's surface fleet garage when a transport's repulsorlift experienced a malfunction during maintenance overseen by Masters Saesee Tiin and Plo Koon. Koon employed the Force to rectify the issue, but was unable to prevent engine coolant from spilling. Heezo and the newly arrived Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi both aided Koon in the cleanup efforts.

Kenobi then requested a vehicle to facilitate the transfer of recently arrived refugees from the spaceport to the migrant center. He explained that a lack of funding was hindering the Republic's response and that his master, Qui-Gon Jinn, aimed to expedite the process using Jedi resources. Koon and Tiin noted their limited capacity to assist due to the grounding of much of the Order's surface fleet for maintenance. However, Heezo volunteered to redeem a favor owed to him by a hoverbus driver, providing the necessary transport. With Koon's approval and Kenobi's gratitude, Heezo departed the hangar to make the arrangements.

At a later time, Master Mace Windu visited the Temple's vehicle maintenance hangar while Heezo was assisting Tiin. Briefly pausing as he moved half of an astromech droid towards a Jedi starfighter, Heezo remarked to Windu that the departure of numerous Council members from Coruscant suggested they were embarking on a significant journey.

Sith Proxy

Heezo secretly worked for the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.

By 22 BBY, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious had recruited Heezo to act as a spy and influencer among the members of the Jedi Order, with the eventual objective of turning them into agents of the Sith. Heezo was particularly suited for this role, as he retained a connection to the Force even after leaving the Order. This allowed him to sense the darker emotions within individuals.

Following the First Battle of Geonosis, he identified Jedi Knight Iskat Akaris as a promising candidate. He initiated casual interactions with her after she discovered his preferred location for droid repair work, a secret garden. Over the course of the Clone Wars, they engaged in numerous conversations and developed a friendly rapport. Akaris confided in him feelings she felt unable to share with others, including her discontent with the Jedi Council and the Order in general.

Heezo fostered these feelings of mistrust and anger, encouraging her to disregard the Jedi Order's principles, to follow her instincts, and to embrace her emotions and passions. He secretly reported Akaris' progress to Sidious. Following the execution of Order 66, Heezo survived the siege of the Jedi Temple and began working for the Inquisitorius in a capacity similar to his previous role at the Jedi Temple, which had lasted for over four decades.


Heezo met his end at the hands of Iskat Akaris, a former associate.

Around 19 BBY, Heezo encountered Akaris once more. She had fallen to the dark side and become an Inquisitor. While exploring the Inquisitorius Headquarters on Coruscant, she discovered him working in a secluded chamber. By this time, Akaris had learned of Heezo's role through a conversation with Sidious and considered him a traitor. Heezo, however, was pleased to see her and confused by her anger, asserting that she now possessed greater freedom than she had as a Jedi. Suspecting that he was now reporting to the Grand Inquisitor, she swiftly struck him down with her lightsaber, relishing her vengeance.

Personality and traits

Heezo, a Selonian, had brown eyes and chestnut-brown fur with beige stripes, which later turned gray with age. He was 2 meters in height. He was known for his gentle demeanor, eagerness to please, and general popularity within the Temple. However, he secretly harbored resentment towards the Order due to his failure to achieve Knighthood, leading him to serve as a proxy for the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. As a proponent of individual autonomy, contrasting with the Selonian emphasis on family, he sympathized with Iskat Akaris' struggles but also exploited them to manipulate her into betraying the Jedi. Heezo genuinely believed that he was benefiting Akaris through his actions.

Powers and abilities

Although a former Padawan, Heezo was unable to successfully complete the Jedi Trials. Nevertheless, he secretly retained a significant ability to sense the hidden emotions of others by detecting pheromones, a skill inherent to his species but amplified by the Force. His proficiency in droid maintenance allowed him to remain at the Temple as a technician.

