In the year 18 BBY, a daring heist was executed by Milo and Lina Graf. Their objective was to reclaim the head of their droid, CR-8R, a prize held by the Mon Calamari crime lord Rask Odai within his office located in the Twin Horns Storage facility. Unbeknownst to the Grafs, the seemingly benevolent chef Shalla Mondatha, who aided their entry by concealing them within a shipment of live Wakizan beetles, was actually a bounty hunter. She had been contracted by Captain Visler Korda with the mission of securing valuable cartographic information stored within CR-8R's head.
Having successfully breached Rask's office, the Grafs created a distraction using a false fire alarm, granting them the opportunity to retrieve the droid's head. Their escape route involved utilizing a water tube system employed by the Mon Calamari to replenish his water reserves. Instead of meeting up again with Shalla Mondatha, the Graf children were rescued outside the storage building by Ephraim Bridger, a Lothal native known for transmitting revolutionary broadcasts.