The Holocron of Odan-Urr, a holocron that held the teachings of Jedi Master Odan-Urr, was created prior to his death in 3996 BBY. After its creation, the holocron was lost for an unknown duration of years, before being found again by the Jedi Master and archaeologist [Yuon Par]((/article/yuon_par) sometime before 3643 BBY. By 3628 BBY, this holocron, along with other Jedi artifacts, was kept within the Great Jedi Library situated on the planet Ossus; however, its security was jeopardized during the invasion of Ossus that same year.
The Holocron of Odan-Urr was initially referenced, though not explicitly named, within the Codex entry dedicated to Yuon Par in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game launched in 2011 by BioWare and LucasArts. Later, it made an appearance and was properly identified in the 2018 "Jedi Under Siege" expansion for Knights of the Eternal Throne as one of the artifacts that Republic players are tasked with retrieving as part of "The Sacred Artifacts" Daily quest.