
A holographic type of pornography, referred to as Holoporn, was available on black markets situated on worlds linked to the Rebellion during their fight against the Galactic Empire. This occurred between 0 ABY and 4 ABY. Around the time of 10 ABY, Kailio Entertainments and the Lucin Syndicate were involved with holoporn in legal and illegal ways, respectively. By 13 ABY, Beldorion, a Hutt, possessed a large collection of Huttese holographic pornography, and he employed Liegeus Vorn, a holo faker, to modify and re-record it.


Pornography presented as holograms was known as Holoporn. While some holoporn was within the bounds of the law, illegal versions also existed.


Back in 0 BBY, Han Solo, a smuggler, was approached by a Snivvian while he was seeking potential clients at Chalmun's Cantina located within the Mos Eisley spaceport on the planet of Tatooine. The Snivvian stated that they had a shipment of Hutt holoporn to be delivered to the Kurluvion system, telling the smuggler that the inhabitants of that system had a fondness for holographic Hutt pornography. Solo told the Snivvian that he had integrity and said that he would rather be frozen in carbonite than smuggle Hutt holoporn, turning down the offer.

Between 0 ABY and 4 ABY, pornographic holos could be found on the black markets of planets that were either allied with the Rebellion in their conflict against the Galactic Empire or were situated near the Rebellion's bases. Sometime between 0 ABY and approximately 1 ABY, a Twi'lek observed a hologram featuring Mermeia, a woman from virtual reality, dancing.

Around 10 ABY, Kailio Entertainments, owned by the Hutts, functioned as a distributor for one of the largest holoporn industries in the galaxy, while the Lucin Syndicate managed a significant production and distribution hub for illegal holographic pornography in the Outer Rim Territories on Majilop. By 13 ABY, Beldorion, the Hutt ruler of Nam Chorios, had a considerable collection of Huttese holoporn and hired Liegeus Vorn, a Human holo faker, to modify and re-record his collection. In that same year, Vorn informed Leia Organa Solo, a representative of the New Republic, about this and admitted that even his previous work of ghost-writing love poems for Gamorreans was not as frightening to him.

Behind the scenes

The term "Holoporn" was initially used in Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters, a sourcebook for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, which was authored by Mark Rein-Hagen and Stewart Wieck and released by West End Games in 1990. It was then specifically identified as such in Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations, another sourcebook for the same roleplaying game, written by Rick D. Stuart and published by West End Games in 1994.

