Imdaar Alpha research station

The Imdaar Alpha research station represented a substantial Imperial manufacturing complex. It was securely attached to the lunar surface of Imdaar Alpha.


TIE Phantoms patrol station's vicinity

The station's design featured a central cylindrical structure. This cylinder housed access tunnels, factory areas, a docking bay, and a reactor core. The station's sideward docking arms could accommodate up to eight vessels, each as large as a Star Destroyer. Furthermore, a Star Dreadnought could dock directly above the primary access tunnel. To enhance stability and secure the facility to the moon's surface, three arms extended outward from the central spine.


The end of the factory

The construction of the facility was overseen by Grand Admiral Martio Batch. Its primary purpose was to conduct research and develop a functional prototype of a Stygium cloaking device. This device was then integrated into the TIE Phantom project. During this period, Batch tasked his protégé, Admiral Sarn, with monitoring the project's progress. The source of the necessary crystals was Aeten II, a planet situated in the Dreighton Nebula. Although the planet's Stygium mines had been depleted long ago, Batch managed to acquire previously inaccessible crystals. He achieved this by using the Tarkin superweapon to obliterate the planet.

In 3 ABY, Rebel agents Ru Murleen and Rookie One discovered the station following the destruction of the Star Dreadnought Terror. They infiltrated the facility with the goal of disabling its production capabilities. The station was ultimately destroyed when its reactor, damaged by the two infiltrators, reached a critical state. The resulting explosion annihilated several Star Destroyers docked at the station, a significant portion of Imdaar Alpha's surface, and the Empire's entire stock of TIE Phantoms, effectively terminating the project. In addition, Darth Vader, who was present for a time during Rookie One's infiltration, executed Sarn for what he perceived as incompetence.

