The Imperial Oasis was a relatively small water source situated on the planet of Tatooine, found in proximity to both the Mospic High Range and the Jawa Mountain Fortress. Spacers from across the galaxy often regarded it as one of the most impressive sights on Tatooine. During the Galactic Civil War era, the Galactic Empire occupied the oasis and established a base there, supported by a small military garrison. Imperial stormtroopers regularly patrolled the area. Furthermore, Colonel Darkstone, a Zabrak male, supervised a mission originating from the oasis, aimed at rescuing Doctor Bledsoe from the clutches of the Rebel Alliance sometime after the first Death Star's destruction in 0 BBY.

Located to the west of Mos Espa and to the north of the Jawa Mountain Fortress, the Imperial Oasis was a modest oasis on the planet of Tatooine. It featured a small water source surrounded by palm trees and other forms of vegetation. While the water was generally shallow, some parts were deep enough for swimming. Various lifeforms populated the water, including different types of fish. Consequently, fishing was an activity available to anyone who wished to partake. The Imperial Oasis was situated within a sizable valley, and it was bordered by towering mountains, many of which were part of the Mospic High Range.
A small military base accompanied the Imperial Oasis. Construction of the base was completed after the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY. During the Galactic Civil War, Imperial stormtroopers frequently patrolled the outpost. Despite its military function, the Imperial Oasis base incorporated structures that reflected typical Tatooinian architecture. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, two of the structures were furnished, including several bedrooms, and were inhabited by civilians. Outside, the Imperial Oasis base featured a café-style area with wooden tables and parasols. However, military elements were still prevalent. The garrison included three watch towers and a small metallic outpost building. The appearance of these structures contrasted sharply with the more civilian-like, tan-colored buildings. Furthermore, a solid metal barrier protected a portion of the Imperial Oasis base's perimeter.

The Empire established an outpost near the oasis to secure access to a readily available water supply. Given that Tatooine had only about one percent surface water, the site was a notably uncommon spectacle. Throughout the Galactic Civil War, stormtroopers regularly patrolled the garrison. An Imperial recruiter was also stationed near the garrison's parked Imperial shuttle. Following the Battle of Yavin, an Imperial colonel of the Zabrak species, named Darkstone, was stationed at the Imperial Oasis base. By that point, his role as the primary contact for Imperial officers held hostage was nearing its conclusion.
From there, Darkstone assigned Imperials to a rescue mission to retrieve Doctor Bledsoe from a Rebel Corellian corvette. A Human male named Jubai Laetlii also resided at the oasis during that time. He was in illegal possession of plans for a new prototype military speeder being developed by the Incom Corporation. To protect Incom's intellectual property, a spy working for a Human male named Sarlis Beni stole the encrypted datapad from Jubai. Around this period, numerous spacers visited the Imperial Oasis, considering it one of Tatooine's most stunning vistas.
Later, an artist created a painting depicting an explosion at the Imperial Oasis. This artwork, titled Imperial Oasis Incident, was produced by a Human female named Navari Trik in Mos Eisley as part of the Galactic Empire Painting Contest.
The Imperial Oasis was one of the four water sources present on the planet of Tatooine in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. The other three bodies of water were the Southern Oasis, the Northeastern Oasis, and the Eastern Oasis. Within the game, players had the opportunity to visit the Imperial Oasis in order to complete the Panoramic Vistas collection for Tatooine. Successfully completing this collection rewarded players with a painting of Jabba's Palace. At the oasis, players were also able to locate a bubbling rock and the right bracer of Imperial shock trooper armor. These items were helpful in completing two additional separate collections.
Within the game, a quest entitled "Corporate Espionage" required the player to travel to the Imperial Oasis to retrieve an encrypted datapad from Jubai Laetlii. If the player was a spy, they had the option to either steal the datapad without causing harm or eliminate Jubai entirely. The quest journal indicated that Jubai was a skilled fighter and that killing him could be challenging, suggesting that stealing the datapad might be the more favorable option. Although the quest was designed for players in the spy profession, players in other professions were also able to undertake the mission. Given that stealing was a skill exclusive to the spy profession, players in other professions were required to kill Jubai in order to obtain the datapad and complete the quest. In the game, players affiliated with the Imperial faction had the opportunity to carry out a mission for Colonel Darkstone at the Imperial Oasis. This mission involved traveling to a Rebel Corvette to rescue Dr. Bledsoe. While players had the option to forgo any of the quests or collections associated with the Imperial Oasis, this article assumes that the game is completed 100%.
To commemorate the sixth anniversary of Star Wars Galaxies, Sony Online Entertainment announced a "Galactic Call to Arms Fan Art" Contest. From Monday, May 18, 2009 to Monday, June 8, 2009, players were invited to submit their original artwork for a chance to have it nominated, voted on, and included in the game as a decorative house painting. During the Galactic Gathering at the 2009 Fan Faire, Sony Online Entertainment revealed the three finalists for each category. In the Imperial category, the three finalists included a painting titled Tightening the Noose by Darev Sool of TCPrime, Scouting the Forest for the Main Force by Gardas of Chilastra, and Imperial Oasis Incident by Lexx Yovel of Starsider. Players were then able to vote on these three paintings on the official Star Wars Galaxies message boards from Wednesday, July 22, 2009 to Wednesday, August 5, 2009. At the conclusion of the vote, Imperial Oasis Incident was declared the winner and was subsequently added to the game on October 12, 2009 as part of Game Update 14, where players could freely acquire the painting from Navari Trik in Mos Eisley.
Jason "Pex" Ryan, the former events manager for Star Wars Galaxies, also mentioned that the Imperial Oasis was one of his most cherished locations within the game.