
Imra was a woman known to New Republic hero Han Solo and his co-pilot Chewbacca from their earlier days as smugglers before the Galactic Civil War raged between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Solo once rescued Imra by diverting an Imperial Star Destroyer that was pursuing her, resulting in his own ship being raided, which put her in his debt. Sometime following the Battle of Endor, Imra made contact with Solo via hologram while he was aboard the Millennium Falcon, investigating rumors of the Empire trying to establish new supply routes through allied criminal organizations. Their old acquaintance's appearance was welcomed by Solo and Chewbacca, and she playfully teased Solo about his aging and his decision to abandon his rogue lifestyle to settle down with Princess Leia Organa. Following this, she informed them of a very limited opportunity to liberate Chewbacca's homeworld, Kashyyyk, from Imperial occupation. The usually significant Imperial presence on Kashyyyk was going to be temporarily reduced, as several starships were being redeployed to provide support elsewhere. Although her information was vague, she emphasized the need for immediate action, within the next day, or the opportunity would be lost. Initially, Solo declined, citing his commitment to the Republic's mission, but he quickly reconsidered and invoked his favor with Imra, asking her to contact anyone who might assist in the liberation. He also instructed Chewbacca to reach out to any Wookiee refugees who might be willing to help, and instructed everyone to gather at Warrin Station as quickly as possible. Imra then ended her communication with Solo and Chewbacca, who then set their course for the space station.

Behind the scenes

Imra's first appearance occurred as a hologram in the novel Aftermath, penned by Chuck Wendig and published in 2015.

