Four Industrial Heuristics transports were employed to move 1,700 children and teenagers, sourced from across the Daimanate, to serve as student interns at an arxeum. This arxeum was a mobile war university that the Sith Lord Daiman had acquired from the Bactranate. Unbeknownst to Daiman, this acquisition was a trap designed to draw his elder brother, the Sith Lord Odion, to the world of Gazzari. During the events of the Battle of Gazzari, these four transports touched down on the planet, releasing the student interns. Tragically, Odionate forces obliterated the arxeum and nearly massacred the students. Fortunately, the Jedi Knight Kerra Holt intervened, successfully evacuating the students aboard the transport Diligence, belonging to the mercenary Jarrow Rusher.