Invasion of Ando (Yuuzhan Vong War)

During the Yuuzhan Vong War in 26 ABY, the Yuuzhan Vong forces launched an invasion against the planet of Ando. The Yuuzhan Vong, however, presented a condition: to stop their assault, they demanded the surrender of a member of the Jedi Order and the destruction of all droids on the planet. To try and satisfy the invaders, the native Aqualish people started destroying their droids. In Imthitill, a widespread extermination of droids occurred throughout the city, employing a large fire. Jedi Knight Dorsk 82, planning to escape Ando with thirty-eight droids, met his end when security officers shot down his starship as it lifted off. Despite this, Warmaster Tsavong Lah disregarded the Aqualish's actions, proceeding with the invasion and subsequent occupation of their home world.

