Ithia, hailing from the planet Dorin, was a Kel Dor female who possessed the Force-sensitive trait. She became a member of the Baran Do Sages, a Force-based organization located on Dorin. Later, she became part of the Hidden Ones, a clandestine group within the Baran Do dedicated to preserving their accumulated wisdom. In 43.5 ABY, she was present in the sect's caverns when Luke Skywalker, the former Jedi Grand Master—who had recently been exiled from both Coruscant and the Jedi Order due to a dereliction of his duties—and his son, Jedi Knight Ben Skywalker, journeyed to Dorin. Their purpose was to consult with Koro Ziil, the Baran Do Master of the Order, to gain insights into the fall of Darth Caedus, the Jedi Knight who became a Sith Lord, to the dark side of the Force. Eventually, they encountered the Hidden Ones, and upon their arrival, Ithia greeted Ben. The Skywalkers met Ziil, who had risen to become the sect's leader, and Ziil revealed that, to safeguard the sect's secrecy, no one would be permitted to ever leave the caverns. Ultimately, Luke turned Ithia and the Hidden Ones against Ziil and defeated him in a confrontation involving Force powers. Following this, Ithia and the Hidden Ones made their way back to the surface of Dorin.
She was a Force-sensitive female Kel Dor originating from the planet of Dorin, which is known for its helium-rich atmosphere. She was a part of the Baran Do Sages, which is a Force-based organization specifically for Kel Dor individuals on Dorin. During the time she spent with the Sages, she received training in combat techniques, an area that was relatively uncommon among the Sages. She was considered one of their most proficient fighters. She often engaged in duels with Charsae Saal, another Sage who was also one of the Baran Do's most skilled combatants, and she rarely lost to him. At some point before 43 ABY, the Kel Dor woman decided to join the Hidden Ones, a secret division of the Baran Do. This division was responsible for preserving the Baran Do's knowledge, ensuring that it could be restored if the organization ever faced destruction. As part of this decision, she adopted the name "Ithia." The Hidden Ones required their members to change their names and accept that they were considered dead to the outside galaxy. They were expected to commit themselves fully to their duties as members of the sect. During her time in the Hidden Ones' home, a series of caverns located deep beneath Dorin's surface, Ithia became resigned to her "death" and no longer felt the need to practice her combat skills. As a result, her strength of will and her Force powers gradually diminished.
In 43.5 ABY, Luke Skywalker, the former Jedi Grand Master who had been recently exiled from Coruscant, the galactic capital, and the Jedi Order due to a dereliction of duty, arrived on Dorin alongside his son, Ben Skywalker, who was a Jedi Knight. Their purpose was to locate Koro Ziil, the Master of the Order. They hoped to gain further insight into the reasons behind Jacen Solo's transformation into the dark side of the Force. However, upon arriving at the Baran Do temple, they were informed that Ziil had passed away. Consequently, they decided to remain and train with the Baran Do Sages. Before long, Saal, who had become the Sages' senior combat instructor, made the decision to join the Hidden Ones. He underwent his "dying ceremony," in which a Sage would feign their death before traveling to join the Hidden Ones in their caverns. Luke, however, was not deceived by Saal's apparent death. After searching the area, he and Ben discovered Saal alive and well. Realizing that Ziil was likely still alive as well, they agreed to accompany Saal to the Caverns of the Hidden One. Ithia was present when Saal and the Skywalkers arrived in the caverns. She greeted the younger Skywalker and informed him that he would need to choose a new name, as Ben Skywalker was now considered dead. There, the Skywalkers discovered that Ziil was indeed still alive and had become the leader of the Hidden Ones, assuming the title of simply "the Hidden One." They engaged in conversation with him, during which he revealed that, to protect the sect's secrecy, no one who entered the caverns would ever be permitted to leave.
After joining the sect, Saal, who had adopted the name "Chara," engaged in a series of three duels with Ithia a few days later. Ithia had become weaker than Chara, and he emerged victorious in each of the matches. Observing this, Luke developed a theory that the Hidden Ones, by rejecting life, energy, and vitality, had also turned their backs on the Force, leading to a weakening of their powers. Later, Ithia went to Ziil's throne chamber when the Skywalkers announced their intention to hold a naming ceremony, during which new members of the Hidden Ones would adopt new names. However, once the Hidden Ones had gathered in the chamber, Luke revealed that they intended to rename some or all of the Hidden Ones instead of themselves. Luke proceeded to present his theory regarding the weakening of the Hidden Ones. To support his theory, he suggested that Ben duel Chara. Ithia provided Ben with a hardwood staff, and he and Chara, who was similarly armed, commenced their fight. Despite Chara's superior skills, having instructed Ben in combat techniques at the temple just days before, he was defeated in the duel due to a lack of will to win.
Ziil, however, refused to accept the outcome, claiming that Luke had brainwashed Chara into believing that he was growing weaker. Nevertheless, the other Hidden Ones began to agree with the Skywalkers. Angered, Ziil revealed that he had informed those on the surface that the Skywalkers had perished when a cave collapsed. As a result, they would no longer require their oxygen-nitrogen canisters. Without the canisters, the Skywalkers would succumb to the atmosphere within a couple of days due to Dorin's helium-rich composition. The Hidden Ones protested, and Ithia voiced her support for the Skywalkers' idea. She told Ziil that she believed the "experiment" that was the Hidden Ones had failed. Finally pushed to his limit, Ziil attacked Luke, and the two engaged in a duel of Force powers. Luke emerged victorious, leaving Ziil exhausted and collapsed on the floor. Ithia was the first to rush to his side to check on him, determining that he would recover. She continued to care for Ziil as Ben triggered a series of explosives, sealing off the tunnel that was believed to be the only entrance or exit from the caverns. Ben then revealed the many lies that Ziil had told the Hidden Ones. Although Ziil remained defiant, Burra, one of the eldest members of the sect, relented and revealed the location of a secret turbolift chamber that led out of the caverns. Ithia and the Hidden Ones returned to the Baran Do on the surface, and the Skywalkers departed from Dorin soon after.
Ithia was widely recognized as one of the most skilled combatants among the Baran Do Sages. Until Chara joined the sect, she was considered the best fighter within the Hidden Ones. She recognized the validity of Luke Skywalker's theory regarding the waning powers of the Hidden Ones, acknowledging that they were weakening and realizing that her own skills had diminished significantly as well. When few others were willing to speak out against Ziil, Ithia was among the first to confront the Hidden One with these issues and openly debated in support of the Skywalkers. Despite her verbal opposition to Ziil, she displayed concern for him after his fight with Luke left him collapsed on the ground, as she was the first to reach his side to assess his condition.
Ithia was one of the few Baran Do members to receive combat training, as fighting techniques were not typically required for the Sages. She developed into a highly skilled combatant and was regarded as the Baran Do's best. In duels with Chara, she consistently won at least two out of three matches. However, upon joining the Hidden Ones, she was compelled to reject life, which led to a weakening of both her fighting skills and her connection to the Force. In 43 ABY, when she once again dueled with Chara, he defeated her in each of their three matches.
Ithia's character was created by Aaron Allston for his initial novel in the nine-book Fate of the Jedi series, titled Fate of the Jedi: Outcast, which was released on March 24, 2009.