Ithorian hyperspace route motion

A proposal was brought before the Galactic Republic's Senate in 28 BBY. This proposition, initiated by an Ithorian senator, aimed to release the map of a specific hyperspace route that traversed the Lesser Plooriod Cluster to the public. The Ithorian senator justified this by stating that the Ithorians had a lengthy history of utilizing this route and had charted the majority of it.

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine then started a debate in the Senate, giving a human senator from the Urce sector and a representative from the Trade Federation delegate the opportunity to debate the Ithorian senator who put forward the plan. During the arguments, the human senator asserted their right to the route due to its crossing through Urce sector territory. The Trade Federation delegate, on the other hand, argued that the Trade Federation had also contributed to the mapping of the route. Padmé Amidala cast her vote in support of the proposal, reflecting that the Urce sector's people only had a claim to a segment of it, while the Ithorians had been using the route for a while before the Trade Federation had mapped it on their own. Despite this, the proposal was not successful.

Behind the scenes

This proposal was featured in Queen's Shadow, a young-adult novel from 2019 authored by E. K. Johnston.

