
Izee, also known as I-Z, functioned as an assassin droid serving the bounty hunter Falco Sang.


For Sang, Izee utilized an integrated fusioncutter to create an entry point into Imperial Prison ISO-L8. Sang was seeking intel regarding the Jedi fugitive Dass Jennir. The pair had been commissioned to exact vengeance upon Jennir and his associates for the demise of Dezono Qua. Prior to downloading Imperial data on their target, they eliminated Jennir's captured crewmate, Janks. Izee and Falco then barely escaped security and Darth Vader, who happened to be present, successfully evacuating the station aboard Sang's starship.

The Imperial data directed the duo to the desert world of Prine, where they located Dezono Qua's missing starship. As they neared the vessel, Izee's scans picked up non-human entities within, which were identified as a colony of mynocks. Observing footprints leading away from the ship, Izee determined their age to be approximately fifteen days. Sang instructed Izee to pursue the tracks while he mounted a speeder bike.

However, Jennir, utilizing the Force, sensed their presence and directed his own droid, H2, to erase their trail as they proceeded. Eventually, Izee and Sang reached a point where the tracks ended. Sang made the decision to rest for the night and divide their search efforts the following morning. During this search, Izee discovered fresh tracks, created overnight, belonging to a group of pirates. Sang surmised that Jennir and his female companion might be traveling with the caravan in an attempt to reach civilization. Sang then requested Izee to display a topographical map of the area, which he used to devise an ambush.

Sang and Izee established their position ahead of the caravan, but were taken aback by an unexpected disturbance. Jennir had launched a rescue mission for Chankeli, who had been taken captive by the pirates. Due to an unfavorable position on the low ground, Sang was unable to clearly observe the events, reminding Izee of the importance of securing the high ground when possible. Later, Sang surprised Izee by shooting a pirate who was aiming at Jennir. Sang clarified that only he was permitted to eliminate the Jedi.

With the fighting subsiding, Jennir was on the verge of freeing the chained Ember Chankeli and her newfound acquaintance Maddie when Sang fired upon the barge, triggering an explosion that caused Chankeli to fall, suspended by her chained leg. As Jennir attempted to assist her, Sang fired another shot, narrowly missing Jennir's head. Jennir chose to flee with H2 and Maddie, intending to return for Chankeli, while Sang accelerated towards them.

Izee is destroyed.

After capturing her, Sang silenced Chankeli with a gag, secured her to a post, and awaited Jennir's return. He instructed Izee to position a sniper rifle, aimed at the back of her chest, to prevent any escape attempts or warnings to the Jedi. Later, Jennir's silhouette appeared, approaching to rescue her, and Sang successfully landed a shot. However, as the cloak and hat fell to the ground, he realized it was H2. Jennir then caught him off guard from behind, disarming Sang. As the bounty hunter revealed the motive behind his pursuit, Jennir instructed H2 to release Chankeli. Upon Sang finishing his explanation, he confessed to killing Janks and declared his intention to kill Jennir's "girlfriend." Giving the signal, Izee discharged a round directly into H2, penetrating its frame and striking Chankeli. As Jennir knelt beside the woman, attempting to heal her, Sang commanded Izee to fire a second shot, this time targeting the Jedi. As the bolt approached, Jennir, without looking, effortlessly deflected the shot with his lightsaber. The deflected shot traveled back, piercing Izee through its primary optics, resulting in its destruction as it emitted a final query to its master. As Sang fled, he experienced regret over the loss of his droid.

